Field Stories

These stories bring out the real-life narratives, moments, and experiences, highlighting the stories and voices of the communities our fellows work with

बदलाव की क़ीमत?

बदलाव की क़ीमत?

बाज़ार में हो रहे बदलावों की क़ीमत आख़िर किसे सहनी पड़ती है ? इस सवाल का जवाब ढूँढता शिवांशु का ये ब्लॉग।

GARIMA – A Sustainable Development Model

GARIMA – A Sustainable Development Model

The pandemic induced crisis and the questions emerging out of it, gave rise to a sustainable developmental model: GARIMA (Grameen Aatmanirbhar Rojgaari Manch) – Towards Sustainable Swaraj. Realising that livelihood is an inseparable part of healthcare, Jan Swasthya Sahyog conceptualised it to ensure proper health of local communities.

Lessons From A Workshop On ‘Introduction to Libraries’

Lessons From A Workshop On ‘Introduction to Libraries’

What is a library? Six months ago, I would have given a completely different answer to that question. I was unaware of the depth and possibilities libraries hold despite having access to them since childhood. It became clear only when I began working as a fellow with...

How Caste Continues To Take A Center Stage In Panna, Madhya Pradesh

How Caste Continues To Take A Center Stage In Panna, Madhya Pradesh

A year and a half ago when I boarded a train to Panna, I was sharing a berth with a middle-aged lady. She was keen to know where I was going. When I told her I was going to Panna, her response was, “Acha, tiger reserve ghumne ja rahe hai aap?” What started as general...

Center For Entrepreneurship Development, Gujarat

Center For Entrepreneurship Development, Gujarat

The Center for Entrepreneurship Development (CED), Gujarat is a government-run organization that aims to promote entrepreneurship in the state of Gujarat, India. In their 12 days of CED training, they focus on providing practical and theoretical knowledge in the field...

आदिवासी समाज में महुआ के पेड़ का महत्व

आदिवासी समाज में महुआ के पेड़ का महत्व

बस्तर के आदिवासी समाज के लिए महुआ का पेड़ विशेष महत्व रखता है। महुआ के मौसम में गाँव की गलियाँ खाली होती है। सभी परिवार के सदस्य व्यस्त रहते हैं। हिंदी में मोवरा, इंग्लिश में इंडियन बटर ट्री, संस्कृत में मधुका, गुड पुष्पा इत्यादि यह नाम है। महुआ को संस्कृत में 'मधूक'...

Let’s Look At The Cotton Fields Of Kushalgarh

Let’s Look At The Cotton Fields Of Kushalgarh

Kushalgarh, in south Rajasthan, is a humid plain area in terms of agro climatic zones of the state. Cotton is an important cash crop cultivated in this region. The other major crops grown in the area are wheat, maize and rice. Because of water scarcity, the community...

Tobacco Consumption In Rural Uttar Pradesh: Pain Reliever Or Addiction

According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey India 2016–17, nearly 267 million adults (15 years of age and older) in India are users of tobacco. The consumption of both smoked and smokeless tobacco is trending across the country. The main focus of the blog will be to...

Bandhani – Of Livelihoods And Love

Bandhani – Of Livelihoods And Love

While working in Bhuj, Kutch, I have come across many women wearing bandhani prints. Whether in office or when I meet them outside, at their homes. After seeing it repeatedly for a few months, I got curious to know the process of how it is made. On one of the Sundays,...

Food Feed In Maheshwar

Food Feed In Maheshwar

Guilty! On an average, I spent an hour every day on instagram in the month of December. I saw people getting married, others attending their weddings, some people clubbing on the weekends and others goign off to scenic vacations. When I got sick of watching people I...



दक्षिण छत्तीसगढ़ के जंगल के बीच में बसा एक गाँव है। इस गाँव का नाम ‘जगरगुंडा’ है।  इस गाँव में लोग खेती और शिकार करके अपना जीवन यापन करते हैं।  गाँव वाले सब मिलकर शिकार करने जाते हैं।  उस गाँव में भीमा नाम का एक आदमी रहता था।  भीमा उस गाँव का...

सवाई माधोपुर से सरवन की कहानी

सवाई माधोपुर से सरवन की कहानी

सरवन बावरी बस्ती, सवाई माधोपुर, राजस्थान में निवास करता है। वह पहले कबाड़ा बीनने का काम करता था। जब भी रुपयों की आवश्यकता होती, कबाड़ा बीनकर, उसे बेचकर पैसे ले आता और ज़्यादातर रुपए शराब पीने में ही खर्च कर देता था। उसकी सारी कमाई ऐसे ही खर्च हो जाती थी और वह हमेशा...

Qala Aur Kaam: A Day In The Life Of A Street Tattoo Artist

Qala Aur Kaam: A Day In The Life Of A Street Tattoo Artist

Picture this : a four-way intersection connecting that connect the arteries of Cyberabad, the modern region of Hyderabad home to tech companies. Traffic zooms around the clock on the six- and eight-lane roads. Three flyovers snake through the sky. Another is under...

A Community Engagement Program At A School In Bihar

A Community Engagement Program At A School In Bihar

In his book "Whose Reality Counts?", Robert Chambers highlights the significant disparities between the realities experienced by those in positions of power and those at the periphery of society, particularly in the context of India, where the divide between the rich...

Role Of Women In Indigenous Pastoral Community

Role Of Women In Indigenous Pastoral Community

In the last 6 months of working with the Van Gujjar community in Uttarakhand, I observed multiple ways in which women play a role in their unique way of living. Cattle herding The major role of the women of the house is the milking of buffaloes, especially if it is a...

Encouraging The Next Generation Of Girls and Women of Vadasar, Bhuj

Encouraging The Next Generation Of Girls and Women of Vadasar, Bhuj

The following is a conversation with Preeti ben, Sarpanch of Vadasar Gram Panchayat, Bhuj. It is transcribed from Gujarati to English. To keep it as authentic as possible, I have written it in the first person. Vadasar is a small village located in an extremely...