The costumes of people in rural areas of Kutch, Gujarat are known for their...
Common Facility Centre And Wool
A Common Facility Centre (CFC) is a shared physical space for a group of...
A Job Still Not Worth Its Salt
Life hasn’t changed much for small-scale salt pan workers known as Agariyas in...
मासूम ख़्वाहिशें, अनोखी बंदिशें और घटते आंकड़े
कम्युनिटी सेंटर पर रहना यानी आसपास स्थित समुदायों के सभी खुले-छुपे और छुपाए...
Going Back To The Good Old Times
"अरे, उन दिनों में हम ज्वार, बाजरा और माल की ही खेती करते थे, और जंगल में बाकी...
गुमनाम बिरहोर समुदाय
हम किताबों में, कहानियों में, कुछ जगह घूम कर या लोगों से सुन कर आदिवासी समाज...
The Struggles Of Sheep Shearing In Gujarat
Winter is here and it comes with warm sweaters, shawls and rajais. Sheep wool,...
Chhath Puja In Bihar: A Celebration Of Four Days
What is Chhath Puja? Chhath Puja is an yearly four daylong celebration. It is...
Role Of Women In Indigenous Pastoral Community
In the last 6 months of working with the Van Gujjar community in Uttarakhand, I observed multiple ways in which women play a role in their unique way of living. Cattle herding The major role of the women of the house is the milking of buffaloes, especially if it is a...
Encouraging The Next Generation Of Girls and Women of Vadasar, Bhuj
The following is a conversation with Preeti ben, Sarpanch of Vadasar Gram Panchayat, Bhuj. It is transcribed from Gujarati to English. To keep it as authentic as possible, I have written it in the first person. Vadasar is a small village located in an extremely...
Forming A Multi-Layer Kitchen Garden
Traditionally, vegetables have been cultivated in household gardens that vary in size, variety, and seasonal yield while being tailored to the resources and interests of the local community. Vegetables are typically grown in pots or on rooftops and are dispersed...
Choices And Preferences Of Women In Bhuj
As a woman who has more social class privilege than a lot of other women, I have had the opportunity and advantage to take decisions for my own life. When someone asks me about my choices in terms of what I like to eat, my favorite spot to hang out, movies I like to...
The Christmas Canopy In Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh
One of the key areas where a lot of social enterprises need support is in building their capacity for marketing. Especially if they're selling products and/or services. This includes establishing forward linkages, a basic understanding of digital marketing, the scope...
Diamond Rush: It’s All About Luck
“Kaunsa wala khadaan dekhna hai? Sarkaari ya jo naadi kinaare hai woh ?” [Which mine do you want to see, the one which the government runs or the one near the river] asks Dau, one of the team members at Project Koshika. Project Koshika is an initiative...
Van Gujjar Settlements In Uttarakhand
It was my third week at Living Lightly and second week at our Dehradun regional office. Somehow, it felt familiar and I was extremely excited to meet my role model Sanjeev bhai, also a founder of an architectural organization, working with local artists. I was going...
डीएनटी समुदाय के साथ सामुदायिक कार्यक्रम
आज़ादी के बाद स्वतंत्र भारत में आधुनिक दौर का आरंभ करते हुए आपराधिक जनजाति अधिनियम - Crimal Tribes' Act (CTA) को 1952 में निरस्त कर दिया गया. जिसमें विमुक्त और घुमंतु जनजातियों को आपराधिक जनजातियों के रूप में दर्ज किया गया था. अधिकारियों द्वारा एक निश्चित समूह को...
Reaching Rural Rajasthan And Attending Gavari, A Local Festival
View as a pillion rider From Kerala To Rajasthan Via Karnataka My story started from a small village in Kozhikode, Kerala. I finished my schooling and graduation from there but I always had a feeling that it wasn’t enough for me. To expand my horizon and to challenge...
A Day At The Community Radio Station
A local resident with a radio set As an India Fellow, I began my journey to becoming a socially conscious leader by working with and for people. As a part of the fellowship, each fellow works with an organization towards a social issue for 1.5 years. I’m working...
Reality Of A Person Living With Multiple Chronic Diseases
It was a rather gloomy day when I had a chance to meet Lakhuna Das*. I was documenting stories and journeys of persons with drug-resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB). Lakhuna Das's journey caught my attention. Mukesh Yadav, my colleague at Innovators in Health had already...
Bail Pola: A Gratitude Festival For Bulls
India is known all over the world for its rich collection of different cultures. People belonging to different religions, regions, caste and sect celebrate various festivals across the country. The uniqueness of Indian festivals is that it revolves around Lord’s...
Gavari, The Goddess Who Comes To Earth
As per Hindu mythology, when Sati married Lord Shiva, her father, Daksha was furious. Lord Shiva was a nomad and connected with the earth in unconventional ways. This was enough for Sati’s father to believe that he was not suitable as his son-in-law. Despite...
A 6KM Long Trek For Water And Why Every Drop Counts
I can never forget Anupama’s (India Fellow alum) line, “Try and understand the pain point of the community.” It has been 11 months now that I am working with Project Koshika in the district of Panna in the Bundelkhand region. And it would be unfair to speak about...