
In their immersive journey of experiencing the grassroots, fellows share the challenges and discoveries made, and how it connects to a larger perspective to build insights

बोली, भाषा और राजनीति

बोली, भाषा और राजनीति

आलेख बोली और भाषा की पहचान और उससे जुड़े सवालों पर चर्चा करता है। यह विलुप्त होती भाषा के साथ समाज के विलुप्त होने की चिंता व्यक्त करता है।

Understanding Empowerment Amidst The Buzz

Understanding Empowerment Amidst The Buzz

While sitting in my study room and having the luxury of being fascinated by reading people's stories, stories of change, the numerous campaigns, and slogans, one word constantly came up. Empowerment. It became so familiar that I had never actually taken the time to...

The Story Of Thoriyari Village Pond

The Story Of Thoriyari Village Pond

Thoriyari village pond is a place to visit, a great learning resource to understand water structures and its dynamics in the are. Thoriyari is between big Rann and small Rann of Kutch, on the edge closer to the small Rann in Rapar Taluka of Kutch District. It's a dry...

The Toilet Situation In Public Schools Of Rural Bihar

The Toilet Situation In Public Schools Of Rural Bihar

Introduction Having spent nearly 21 years of my life in urban settings, I've encountered various challenges like crowded streets, population density, subpar living conditions, high living costs, and fierce competition. Among these challenges, the unhygienic state of...

Adivasis – Stereotypes vs Reality

Adivasis – Stereotypes vs Reality

As a diverse country, we know that people from different religions, cultures, and terrains live here in India. However, we often forget or don't talk about certain parts of this diversity, one of which is tribal communities. When I used to think of tribes or Adivasis,...

Complexity Of Education And My Belief In Solution

Complexity Of Education And My Belief In Solution

I always believed education to be a basic right for all. I thought that it could alleviate most, if not all problems. Although I still think that education can empower and help in making people's lives better, there is a slight discomfort and apprehension with the...

De-layering Mobility

De-layering Mobility

In the last couple of months, I had been accompanying a team of mental health professionals from MPower Foundation (Mumbai) on their mental health awareness sessions in Kutch. These sessions were primarily being held with children and adolescents in schools and Akhar...

एक नर्स की भूमिका

एक नर्स की भूमिका

नर्सेज़ का वेतन अलग-अलग जगह पर अलग होता है। प्राइवेट हॉस्पिटल मे नर्सेज़ का वेतन सरकारी हॉस्पिटल से कम होता है। सरकारी नौकरी में कुछ पहलू बेहतर हैं जैसे जो सुविधाएँ दी जाती हैं - हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस, छुट्टियां, रेसीडेंसी, मृत्यु होने पर परिवार के सदस्य को नौकरी, और इस...

How Do We Learn And Design For Others’ Learning

How Do We Learn And Design For Others’ Learning

A facilitator in college in one of my earliest classes in my first year asked us, “How was your morning today? Draw it and show me”.  This was a morning like that. A morning when you've woken up but not quite. On a morning like this there isn’t much to look forward to...

A Resurgence Of Community Libraries In India

A Resurgence Of Community Libraries In India

India has had a long culture of libraries that served not only as a treasure trove of knowledge but also as learning spaces. Places where debates and dialogues took place. Today, the status of public libraries is dwindling. A study conducted in 2018 revealed that in...

Women Embracing Digital Technology: Challenges & Opportunities

Women Embracing Digital Technology: Challenges & Opportunities

I spent approximately six months in Maheshwar, living cashless and relying solely on digital payments. Whether it was my morning tea, evening grocery shopping, bus tickets, or fuel bills, I used UPI for all transactions. Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is an instant...

Families Migrating From Kushalgarh In Distress

Families Migrating From Kushalgarh In Distress

The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying, the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving - Arundhati Roy Kushalgarh is a small town in the district of Banswara, Rajasthan. Until the year 1949, it was an Indian princely state under the...

How Climate Change Affects Migrant Workers

How Climate Change Affects Migrant Workers

While traveling in and out of towns or cities, I have often observed a specific group of people living on the outskirts. You might have seen them too. Have you ever wondered why they live in such miserable conditions? Is it solely for the purpose of earning money, or...

Intersectionality: Understanding Layers of Oppression

Intersectionality: Understanding Layers of Oppression

Intersectionality serves as a framework to understand social relations. By recognizing and examining multiple forms of oppression and discrimination experienced at the same time. This concept acknowledges overlapping layers of disadvantaging factors, including class,...

Machiavellian Leaders In Modern Times

Machiavellian Leaders In Modern Times

Scholars and practitioners have widely explored and utilized the leadership concepts originating from Niccolò Machiavelli's sixteenth-century political theory, applying them to the context of contemporary leadership. While his primary focus was on political...