Field Stories

These stories bring out the real-life narratives, moments, and experiences, highlighting the stories and voices of the communities our fellows work with

A Single Story Across The Bridge

A Single Story Across The Bridge

Slogans spray painted on the wall of a flyover in front of one of Nizamuddin Basti's exits As a young girl, having always lived in Delhi, walking through Nizamuddin basti on a Wednesday morning quite literally brought me to a halt. There was so much to take in, to...

कागज़ का देस

जिस समय यह लेख लिखा जा रहा है हिन्दुस्तान कोरोना वायरस के केसेस में दुनिया में तीसरे नं. पर है और एशिया में पहले| बिहार और असम एक भीषण बाढ़ से गुजर रहे हैं जिनमें लोगों के घर, मवेशी, पूंजी, बच्चे सब बह रहे हैं| कश्मीर में इंटरनेट के साथ-साथ बहुत कुछ बंद हुए एक साल हो...

One In 92,275

One In 92,275

From Sukma bus stand I got on a bus to Jagdalpur. I have to reach a place called Lathipara, around 30 kilometers away from Sukma. The bus is traveling dead slowly, after one and a half hour journey I got down on the stop - Laskepara. Now there is a 2-mile walk to...

Kanku Ben: A Model Sarpanch

Kanku Ben: A Model Sarpanch

“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.”- Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar This blog is based on a telephonic interview of Kanku Ben taken by me. However, the whole conversation was in Hindi which has been translated, not word...

Pariksha Pe Charcha – A Tale Of Examinations In Sukma

Pariksha Pe Charcha – A Tale Of Examinations In Sukma

A child trying to "by-heart" lessons before an exam One thing I feared the most in my school days were examinations. There were one too many factors to it, from an unacceptable concept that marks define who you are, to the troubling competition and pressure from...

कुछ लोग खुद से पहले समाज के बारे में सोचते हैं

कुछ लोग खुद से पहले समाज के बारे में सोचते हैं

From left ... Amma, Aditi, Manoj ji, Praveen ji and Golden हम सभी अपने जीवन में अनेक प्रकार के लोगों से मिलते हैँ और कुछ लोग हमें प्रभावित भी करते हैँ। वैसे ही लोग में से एक प्रवीण जी के बड़े भैया मनोज जी हैं और भैया के साथ जो बातचित हुई उसे आप सभी के साथ साझा कर रही...

How Dark Is Dark Enough?

How Dark Is Dark Enough?

Bindal river - Govind Ghar slum, Dehradun Stepping over the bricks placed strategically on the puddles, we walked through the lane about two feet wide with double storeys built on both sides. It suddenly opened into a small courtyard where a few families were...

What Should A Poor Father Choose?

What Should A Poor Father Choose?

Rekha* admitted in the Panna district hospital Meet Rekha and her mother from Jaitupura village which is few kilometres from Panna, Madhya Pradesh. Rekha is 10 months old (yes, dont be surprised) and severely malnourished. Her mother is not in a good condition either;...

What’s Trending In Kushalgarh!

What’s Trending In Kushalgarh!

At the intersection of gender, health and migration, there is a dangerous trend picking up What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you think of trends? Is it the apparel collection from so and so brand you saw online recently? Or some music genre...

Not A Single Story Of Porta Cabins

Not A Single Story Of Porta Cabins

With my children at a porta cabin in Sukma, south Chattisgarh Restriction! What comes to your mind related to restriction would be lack of freedom. A similar thought process might be applicable to children in Porta Cabins at Sukma, Chhattisgarh which is why they...