Picture this : a four-way intersection connecting that connect the arteries of...
I Asked Authority Figures What Do They Think About Authority
The following conversations are my attempt to explore the less spoken-about,...
Sketchy Notes From The Lanes Of Bhuj City
The following blog has been co-written by co-fellows Daraab Saleem Abbasi and...
सुकमा की विलुप्त होती मौखिक भाषाएं
परिचय सुकमा छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य का एक ज़िला है।सुकमा ज़िला के पूर्व में उड़ीसा तथा...
Insurance And Inclusivity : How Far Have We Reached?
Five years ago, an insurance agent came to my house to convince me to get life...
Winters Of Bihar [A Poem]
Seasons are poetic by their very nature. They try to tell us something about...
8 Things To Keep In Mind While Preparing For A Village Meeting
It's been almost 18 months since I started identifying myself as an India...
Beyond The Butterfly Swords : An Illustration
'Beyond the butterfly swords' is an illustration made to represent and...
How Santhal Tribe Celebrates: A Video Blog
Purulia has been a drought-prone district of West Bengal, India, with a semi-arid landscape. It has a rich cultural heritage, with a fusion of Bengali tradition and a touch of the tribal essence in it. People here celebrate a variety of local festivals with lots of...
A Postcard Of Hope For Better Future
As I sat down to have a cup of tea this morning, I heard my home calling me. There was a new post, and even in my mid 30s, I was as excited to receive it as I was at 7. Anne kept yelling since I had betrayed our old tradition of having breakfast together. We did it to...
My Learning From A Genius : Stephen Hawking
On 14th March 2018 when we woke up, the world collectively experienced a huge loss. We read about the death of Stephen Hawking, the globally renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist known for his work on general relativity and quantum gravity, in the context of...
Friday Phenomenon In Schools : Eggs & Bananas
I believe that every problem in the universe has a cause and one or more solution(s). Before getting on to the Friday phenomenon as mentioned in the headline, I'd like to talk about the mid-day meal (MDM) program in schools. Interestingly, the history of Pondicherry...
Underlying Causes Of The TB Epidemic In India
In the recent End TB Summit held in New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a campaign to eradicate tuberculosis (TB) from India by 2025, five years ahead of its globally set-deadline. Now, one might think that given 7 years we have in hand and support from...
Relevance of Affordable Private Schools for Education
In last few months, I have been interacting a lot with my community that surrounds Swarachna school in Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh. Of varied things I got to know about them, a common link in all villages is that nobody wants to send their children to a government school....
Hallucinations To Reality: Child Sexual Abuse And Parenting
There are only a few people to whom I'm really close. One of them is a classmate I know since 6 years. We met in college and graduated together. Socially, he is extremely awkward and an introvert who is fascinated by trains. I have never met him after college. In...
The Complex Dynamics Of Morality In Kalahandi, Odisha
During my stay in the United Kingdom, I volunteered at a not-for-profit organization which worked for advocacy of human rights. As a case-worker, I had developed empathy for people’s problems and started to believe in the romantic ideology that people are devoid of...
Cohabitation as a Way of Convenient Lifestyle
There were fewer students in my school that day and I was talking to some of the boys from 10th grade. It is located in the village of Jhed, Rajasthan. They were curious about my age and lifestyle. The conversation led to their understanding of relationships, gender...
How Would It Be To Think Without Words!
Most of my last month was spent conducting Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with students of various skill development training programs. These are short term programs, from 4-6 months, focusing on skills such as Computer Literacy, Workplace Readiness and Basic English...
Lessons From a Temporary Illness : Looking Through a Glass
The last quarter of 2017 has been quite weird. I’ve been privy to something remarkably out of my comfort zone, and in turn, have put many people out of theirs. But, that's a debate for the more refined minds. India Fellow is like that freaky mirror in Lewis Carrol’s...
What Is Demographic Dividend And How It’s Related To Education
By 2020, India is set to become the world’s youngest country with 64% of its population in the working age group.[1] This demographic advantage can be translated into more production of goods and increased services, thus improving the overall GDP growth rate, a...
Everyday Life At Porta Cabins Of Sukma
What are Porta Cabins? An innovative educational initiative began in Chhattisgarh, to build schools with temporary material like bamboo and plywood. These were residential schools that were started to ensure continued primary and middle level education in left wing...
पुरुलिया, पश्चिम बंगाल में सोहराय त्यौहार – एक चित्र कथा
जैसा की मैंने अपने पिछले ब्लॉग में बताया था की मैं इंडिया फ़ेलो द्वारा पुरुलिया में एक सामुदायिक रेडियो स्टेशन नित्यानंद जनवाणी 91.2 FM में नियुक्त किया गया हूँ| मेरे आगमन के समय पुरुलिया हरी-भरी नयी फसलों से लहलहा रहा था जोकि अब पांच महीने बाद सुनहरी घनी फसलों में...