हैंडीक्राफ़्ट यानी हाथ से बना सामान। जब भी मैं इनके बारे में सुनता हूँ तो एक...
Facilitating Dialogue – Choice, Opportunity and Rights
The Gram Panchayat often tend to be a traditionally dominating body and can...
The Many Shades Of Rajasthan
I had thought of Rajasthan as the largest state of India and a land of camels....
जैविक खेती और कुछ पुरानी पद्दति का विश्लेषण
जब हम अपने आस पास खेतों में लहलहाती फसलों को देखते हैं तो लगता है कि हमारा देश...
स्वयं शिक्षण दिवस
एक दिन स्कूल में कक्षा लेते समय नोटिस आया कि आज दो बजे के बाद सुशील शाला...
The Train Journeys As An India Fellow
"Not all those who wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien I resonate with this line...
कश्ती गुज़ारे की, चाह की
मैं लखनऊ स्थित सद्भावना ट्रस्ट में इंडिया फ़ेलो के रुप में जुड़कर कार्य कर रही...
Ganesh Chaturthi In A Tribal Village And The Cultural Shift
On my way to Kerpai village last time, I experienced something different. The...
‘Sweep’ Under The Rug Much? How We Ignore The Reality Of Who Cleans India
Rehabilitated manual scavenger, Maya Sangeliya, 45, looks on inside her house. Photo: Anindito Mukherjee/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images I was brought up with the belief that cleanliness is next to godliness. I can’t recall if anyone ever used that phrase...
What A Kilometre Long Road In South Delhi Tells You About Social Structures
Recently, I relocated to Delhi. I was fortunate enough to have friends who were already staying in a locality called Alaknanda in south Delhi and accordingly, I moved in with them. As I was settling in, it took me just a walk down the road in front of the house to...
Mandav Utsav 2021 : What People Had To Say
This article is a critical appraisal of what I saw and heard when I visited Mandav for their yearly festival. All views shared are my observations from the conversations I had with the locals of Mandav,
“झरने सी मेरी पहचान”
वेग हूँ, मैं झरना हूँ, गति पे सवार हूँ|रुकती नहीं मैं वादियों में न रुकी कभी चट्टानों में|न रुक सकी पैमानों में, न रुक पायी देवालयों में|मैं बस झरती हूँ, हर बाधा से कुछ और छनती हूँ|देखा सभी जो प्रत्यक्ष है, जहाँ तहां न रमती हूँ|तुम्हे शायद बस मेरा आना सुनाई दे,पर उसकी...
The Fading Smiles of ODISHA : Laws and Ignorance
While walking through various routes in Odisha, whether it be rural or urban pathways, one would truly see the gaps in development. The disparity between the development index, as compared to other states, is huge. However, there is one common thing that exists here...
What Does Consent And Privacy Mean To Those Who Bathe In The Open
About research ethics and its upkeep – ever elusive!
Family Planning And Contraceptives In Rural Rajasthan
After having a long discussion on the different types of contraceptive measures and advantages of having a small family, Sita* didn’t look satisfied. She turned to me and said, “Everything is on us. From taking care of the house, growing children inside us, raising...
Failures : What You Learn When Things Don’t Go Your Way On Field
Third part of a 3-part series on learning from failures
Will The Women Artisans Please Stand Up?
How the weaving value chain has managed to define roles for men and women in the process, where the later are more often than not, subjugated.
COVID Vaccination Game – Generating Awareness And Creating A Safe Space!
Have you ever played a game and learnt something? I’m taking the jump and assuming a yes. For quite a few of us, our initial school days went in playing games and learning something through it. Wonder why our education system changes that as we grow up. From learning...
Failures : Integrity vs Accommodation
First of the 3 part series by our alumni on failures.
Ajrakh Block Printing : A Photo Story
The magical Yellow colour is derived from the dye preparation of turmeric and pomegranate peels An impromptu expedition led me to a village called Dhamadka, 45 kms away from Bhuj, Kutch. The entire village tells a story of the revival of an exclusive hand...
Kitchen Garden Initiative By Koshika
Back in August 2021, I was reading The Obesity Code. The author, Dr. Jason Fung, prescribes an intermittent fasting diet, which restricts eating to a fixed schedule. Halfway through the book, I realized that part of the problem why intermittent fasting won’t seem to...
Role of a Traditional Birth Attendant : A Photo Story
Utilizing institutional services and skilled care during childbirth has been proven to improve maternal and perinatal health and to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates. In fact, WHO’s key strategy to reduce these mortality rates is to ensure that all births...