What does it mean to stitch a space? Read on Archit’s exploration of lives behind the lambani embroidery.
Desi Oon – Weaving Livelihood Into A Sustainable Practice
The demand for desi oon has declined, negatively impacting the wool ecosystem and affecting the livelihoods of those dependent on it.
Sealing Love, One Stitch At A Time
Sujni art empowering a group of women in rural Bihar, in the process discovering their identity as artisans
बदलाव की क़ीमत?
बाज़ार में हो रहे बदलावों की क़ीमत आख़िर किसे सहनी पड़ती है ? इस सवाल का जवाब ढूँढता शिवांशु का ये ब्लॉग।
Stories Weaved In And Around The Narmada River
Ritu spent 18 months setting up a women weavers’ enterprise called Kalamaitri in Maheshwar town by the Narmade river. Some of her findings are documented here.
An Object Library – 3×3 Inch Stories
Daraab write about various objects used in pottery by Kumbhars of the Lodai village in Kutch, which they safe keep in an object library
An Imprint Of Culture In Kutch
The costumes of people in rural areas of Kutch, Gujarat are known for their...
Pulling The Maheshwari Threads Together
As I walk through the narrow lanes of Maheshwar, a symphony of sounds fills...
समुदायों को स्वावलम्बी बनाती प्लास्टिक बुनाई
मैं इस साल मई में खमीर आया जो कि कच्छ के कारीगरों के साथ काम करने वाली एक...