Field Stories

These stories bring out the real-life narratives, moments, and experiences, highlighting the stories and voices of the communities our fellows work with



दक्षिण छत्तीसगढ़ के जंगल के बीच में बसा एक गाँव है। इस गाँव का नाम ‘जगरगुंडा’...

An Unforgettable Visit To The ANC And Under-Five Camp

Ante-natal Women & Under Five Children’s Clinic (ANC camp) is a medical camp organized by Swasthya Swaraj. It is an important program activity that happens every month in different clusters. To give you a background, Swasthya Swaraj has 2 major clinic centers -...

Unheard Stories of Salwa Judum Movement

A session on Natural Disasters was going on in my class, located inside a Porta Cabin in Sukma, Chhattisgarh. After a brief explanation, I asked everyone to write what they understood along with a few examples. Next day, students were ready with their stories. They...

A Sweet And Sour Encounter

It was a hot and humid day, in a Rajasthani Village I visited a few months ago, my first time in this part of the country. Rainy season was beginning and the petrichor reminding me of the full-blown monsoon I had left back home in Mumbai. I was accompanied by two...

How Santhal Tribe Celebrates: A Video Blog

Purulia has been a drought-prone district of West Bengal, India, with a semi-arid landscape. It has a rich cultural heritage, with a fusion of Bengali tradition and a touch of the tribal essence in it. People here celebrate a variety of local festivals with lots of...

Friday Phenomenon In Schools : Eggs & Bananas

I believe that every problem in the universe has a cause and one or more solution(s). Before getting on to the Friday phenomenon as mentioned in the headline, I'd like to talk about the mid-day meal (MDM) program in schools. Interestingly, the history of Pondicherry...

The Complex Dynamics Of Morality In Kalahandi, Odisha

During my stay in the United Kingdom, I volunteered at a not-for-profit organization which worked for advocacy of human rights. As a case-worker, I had developed empathy for people’s problems and started to believe in the romantic ideology that people are devoid of...

Cohabitation as a Way of Convenient Lifestyle

There were fewer students in my school that day and I was talking to some of the boys from 10th grade. It is located in the village of Jhed, Rajasthan. They were curious about my age and lifestyle. The conversation led to their understanding of relationships, gender...

Everyday Life At Porta Cabins Of Sukma

What are Porta Cabins? An innovative educational initiative began in Chhattisgarh, to build schools with temporary material like bamboo and plywood. These were residential schools that were started to ensure continued primary and middle level education in left wing...

पुरुलिया, पश्चिम बंगाल में सोहराय त्यौहार – एक चित्र कथा

जैसा की मैंने अपने पिछले ब्लॉग में बताया था की मैं इंडिया फ़ेलो द्वारा पुरुलिया में एक सामुदायिक रेडियो स्टेशन नित्यानंद जनवाणी 91.2 FM  में नियुक्त किया गया हूँ| मेरे आगमन के समय पुरुलिया हरी-भरी नयी फसलों से लहलहा रहा था जोकि अब पांच महीने बाद सुनहरी घनी फसलों में...

Vegetable Cultivation by Katkari Tribe in Rural Maharashtra

Ratna Tai* walked ahead, leading a coterie of her fellow villagers to the farming lands where they planned to grow Kareli (Bitter gourd). She walked briskly while we struggled to catch up with her pace, jumping over thickets and bushes, ducking wild branches and...

Bail Pola: A Way of Celebrating Human-Animal Relationship

Nature is considered a reflection of truth in the holy book of Quran. Hindu scriptures also emphasize on divinity contained in the elements of nature - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Religious books, the predominant source of values in any culture, recognize the...

Healthcare – A Privilege for HER?

Tribal women of Udaipur District, Rajasthan How do you react when a father-in-law says about his Bahu (daughter-in-law), “Aap mujhe isko bade asptaal le jane kyun bol rahe ho? Yeh mar gayi toh mai isko jala dunga, woh meri zimmedari hai.” (Why are you asking me to...

An Introduction To Katkari Tribes Of Maharashtra

Katkaris working at brick kilns As part of my assignment I’ve been working for scoping and initiating new livelihoods for the Katkari tribal community in Raigad under the aegis of my organization - Centre For Social Action, Mumbai. I joined CSA in August this year and...

From Durga to ‘Hudur Durga’: The Other Side Of The Story

Durga puja – the name is more than sufficient to bring joy and thrill among Bengalis. Durga Puja is not only a festival in West Bengal but it is an integral part of life for the people living here. You can sense the enthusiasm, the charisma in the air and people...