The author finds themself deeply concerned about the safety of women working in govt. hospitals. Are they truly safe in their workplaces? What are the conditions they face on a daily basis? How gruelling are their shifts? Who bears the responsibility for ensuring their safety?
Aam Pandum: The Mango Harvest Festival
Villagers in Sukma wait for the mangoes to fully grow before they harvest and enjoy them after the ceremony of Aam Pandum.
“We Don’t Practice Caste In Our Village”
When the practices change, one might have an illusion that the mental model has altered. Far from true. At least in the case of caste.
पाल के किनारे रखा इतिहास
Water, central to a settlement and hence civilization, and the history of water in a region tells us so much about the people.
Addressing Sexual Harassment At Workplace In The Unorganised Sector
The crisis of sexual harassment of women in workplace in the unorganised sector remains hidden and a grave challenge.
Many Realities Of A Single Life
Have you lived a hard life? What constitutes a hard life? If it objective? Would you say the protagonist in this blog had a hard life?
Homes Of Katara: A Photo Story
A photo story exploring the housing and social dynamics of Katara village, a peri urban settlement near Udaipur city in Rajasthan.
In Kotra, The Youth Want To Leave, But Not Too Far
The community you are surrounded by, what is your point where you depart from their norm?
Salma’s Home In The Forests Of Uttarakhand
This is an attempt to understand the world of a forest dweller who is trying to define her house based on her relationship with space. Her knowledge and confidence is derived from keen observations and considerations of self as a part of an ever-changing forest. From...
There Are No Roads But There Is An Ante Natal Care Camp
Organization: Swasthya Swaraj SocietyPlace: Kalahandi, OdishaType of Terrain: Rugged, hilly, mountainousQuestion: Why is Swasthya Swaraj conducting medical outreach camps here? The organization conducts medical outreach camps to bring healthcare services closer to...
Pulling The Maheshwari Threads Together
As I walk through the narrow lanes of Maheshwar, a symphony of sounds fills the air. It is the rhythmic beating of the heart and soul of this historic town. The sound of cotton and silk threads meticulously woven into exquisite Maheshwari sarees. These sarees embody...
समुदायों को स्वावलम्बी बनाती प्लास्टिक बुनाई
मैं इस साल मई में खमीर आया जो कि कच्छ के कारीगरों के साथ काम करने वाली एक संस्था है। जब से यहां आया हूँ तब से लोगों की जीविका, उनके काम करने के अंदाज़, उनके काम को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक और उनके समुदाय के अन्य लोगों को समझने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ। अभी हाल ही में, में...
Chronicles From The First Month In Bhuj
There's a well-known quote by Thomas Hardy, "Happiness is an occasional episode in the general drama of pain." Why not reverse this saying, especially on the tougher days? As I type out my first blog after a meal of poha and chai, I look out of the only window in my...
From Dacoity To Prosperity In Karauli, Rajasthan
Ever heard of Phoolan Devi, the famous daaku (bandit) from the Chambal region? Maybe you've seen a movie or heard stories about her adventures. But have you ever wondered why dacoity was so common in places like Chambal and nearby areas? Today I'm taking you on a...
Who Are The Baigas?
My India Fellow journey got more purposeful when I reached Chhattisgarh after completing the initial three-week training. Chhattisgarh is one of the most beautiful places on Earth where ancient heritage and vibrant culture meets breathtaking landscapes. Its cross...
Learnings From A Craft Mela In Kutch
Experiential Learning is something that we have all heard of. Same is the case with activity based education. 'Learning by doing' is a common phrase we use as well. Craft based education however is something that can be a little confusing. "It is great for children to...
A Bus Journey From Source To Destination
In the area where I work, families often migrate seasonally for labor. They move from their home state, the 'source', to other states, the 'destination'. Kushalgarh, the town I reside in, lies in the southernmost part of Rajasthan, India. Many of its inhabitants...
Amplifying Community Voices: Inclusive Radio Programming
In this digital age, media plays a vital role in shaping our society. Ensuring that multiple voices are heard and represented, especially those of marginalized communities, is crucial. Radio, with its wide reach and accessibility, has the potential to be a powerful...
Water: From Scarcity To Abundance
"Come, come, sit under the tree. Yes, it's scorching hot anyways. Shall I make tea for you? Or would you prefer milk? You can have either, just don't ask for water because we don't have it." I was with Malu Baba and his wife in their house. Upon hearing this, I...
Rural Banks And The Blame Game
"The worst service I've ever got..." Those were my words as an unsatisfied customer at my bank's home branch in Kerala four years ago. Little did I know that in my role today, I would be closely interacting with bank officials and customers. I'm working with migrant...
A Thousand Thoughts Of Ravi, A Rural Boy
A fictional retelling based on true events
जानकी अम्मा – एक विश्वास और उम्मीद
जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग (JSS) छत्तीसगढ़ के बिलासपुर जिले में एक छोटे से गाँव गनियारी में स्थित है. यह संस्था लोगों के स्वास्थ्य पर काम कर रही है, विशेष रूप से उन आदिवासी और पिछड़े लोगों के लिए, जो बिलासपुर और उसके आसपास के क्षेत्रों में रहते हैं और स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं से वंचित...