How the integration of socio emotional skills like developing relationships, self awareness, empathy can create a positive classroom environment
TIKA : The First Menstruation
Roshni, a teenager from Nilawaram, loved to play with her siblings and...
Navigating TB Medication Shortage In Rural Bihar
Exploring why there is a shortage in the very essential TB drugs and no one seems to be talking about it – in the mainstream media
Balancing Act: Navigating Choices In Rural Rajasthan’s Water Crisis
Explore Rajasthan’s rural water crisis: challenges, solutions, and stories of resilience in Kalwada, Bhamboriya, and Nevta Panchayats
Detachment and Integration: Life in Pota Cabins
Akanksha write about her observations at Pota Cabin schools. How Integrating young minds in Sukma into a predetermined education system, while removing them from violence, can creates a sense of detachment
Kites Of Hope: Weaving Livelihoods In Bastis Of Ahmedabad
Exploring the lore behind kites and kite-makers of Ahmedabad and their vital role in sustaining livelihoods
Restoring Kutch’s Grasslands From ‘Mad Trees’
Restoring the grasslands of Kutch by converting the prosopis or the mad trees into Biochar using pyrolisis, reducing carbon emission
Women and Their Unpaid Labour
Women are often held back from participating in paid work because of the demanding nature of unpaid labor women do on daily basis
जानकी अम्मा – एक विश्वास और उम्मीद
जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग (JSS) छत्तीसगढ़ के बिलासपुर जिले में एक छोटे से गाँव गनियारी में स्थित है. यह संस्था लोगों के स्वास्थ्य पर काम कर रही है, विशेष रूप से उन आदिवासी और पिछड़े लोगों के लिए, जो बिलासपुर और उसके आसपास के क्षेत्रों में रहते हैं और स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं से वंचित...
Obligated Resilience And Optimistic Illusion Of Climate Adaptation
Chronicles from a community's struggle of resilience, who have to keep adapting to shifting according to political and climatic uncertainties This climatic year have been bad for the Van Gujjar community as the migrating group went through the shift and faced...
The Hidden Tragedy In Kalahandi
Despite the visual appeal and novelty of the environment in Kalahandi, Odisha, during my field visit in the first week, the deeper complexities didn't hit me in the beginning. However, after spending some time interacting with locals and taking help from my team...
एकत्रित महिलाएं (एक कविता)
While working with Sakhi Sangini, the women's federation created by Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan, we frequently conduct various training workshops on topics such as livelihoods, gender sensitivity, legal awareness, cybercrime, land rights, and leadership development....
Empowering Out-of-School Adolescent Girls through Non-Formal Education
Setting up non-formal education sessions for out-of-school adolescent girls is a critical aspect of the TULSI program, aimed at improving the health and nutrition of young girls under Swasthya Swaraj. Despite existing government schemes, accessing education remains a...
Photo Story : A Kutia Kondh Tribal Settlement
The Kutia Kondh is one of the many tribes living in Kalahandi, Odisha. They are a sub-section of a larger tribal group called Kondh, and are classified as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Among Kondhs, those who live on...
हुर्रा, एक सामुदायिक युवा
सुदूर इलाके में स्थित एक गाँव है, मिनपा, जिसकी जनसंख्या महज़ 900 के आस पास है। यहाँ के घरों की छतें खपरेल और छिंद के पत्तों से बनी होती हैं तथा दीवारें लकड़ी और मिट्टी की। आसपास सब जगह धान के खेत, घने जंगल और कच्ची पगडंडियां हैं। इस गाँव में लोग खेती और मजदूरी करके...
An Attempt To Collectivise Through Zines
First things first. What is a zine?Good question. Tricky answer. For a lot of people around the world, across time, a zine (pronounced zeen) has always meant much more than an independent, inexpensively made, small, self-circulated piece of publication. It is first...
शहर में कहाँ है यह हवा पानी
गांव तहसील से करीब १० किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है. गांव में मोबाइल नेटवर्क नहीं है. आठवीं के बाद गांव में स्कूल नहीं है, स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के लिए भी १० किलोमीटर या उससे ज़्यादा की दूरी तय करनी पड़ती है. और बुनियादी सुविधाओं के लिए जब यह गांव तहसील की तरफ देखता है तो रास्ते...
Migration: A Journey Of Hope And Challenges
Migration has emerged as a transformative lifeline for ambitious individuals in search of better livelihood opportunities, particularly in the vibrant landscapes of south Rajasthan. Amidst agricultural distress and limited local employment prospects, many young men...
Rohit, A Young Boy From Bania Chapar
In the heart of Bania Chapar, a village nestled in the rolling landscapes of the Gopalganj district, a thirteen-year-old boy named Rohit Kumar Chauhan embarks on a remarkable journey each day. He studies in the 8th grade at the government-upgraded higher secondary...
Encouraging Curiosity And Imagination Through Children’s Literature
Working and learning with children is about meeting serendipitous joys! While organizing library engagement sessions in several schools and community sites, we sometimes forget to have fun. However, the children never fail to bring us delight. At times, a single...
सामुदायिक पुस्तकालय – एक अनोखा संगम
कहानी, कविता, पाठ्यपुस्तकें, नाटक, शायरी, चुट्कुले, विज्ञान, सामाजिक विज्ञान आदि तमाम सारी किताबें पुस्तकालय में पढ़ने के लिए आसानी से मिल जाते हैं। पाठ्य पुस्तक के बारें में जब भी सोचता हूँ, बचपन में मुझे बहुत ही बोगस लगता था, डर लगता था, शिक्षक कब प्रश्न पुछे लेगा...
From Fear To Empowerment: Navigating Gender Politics And Insecurity
I had just finished my day with receiving appreciation for the depth achieved in my research and gaining a deeper understanding from different perspectives. It was a good day at work. Early in the evening, I had received an unexpected call from my father. He asked me...