Best Picks

These are some of the best picks written by our fellows, across the years. Ranging from anecdotes to insights, fiction, and poetry too!

Feeling So Exotic!

On 21st January 2019, i went to Pune for an exposure visit along with a few people from the villages of Khopoli and Paned (in Raigad, Maharashtra). The visit was to a company that sells vegetables and fruits in collaboration with the farmers giving them a price higher...

In Search Of Hidma

Image clicked by Sandesh (blog author) in one of his field outings in Sukma, Chattisgarh, where he is placed as a fellow with Shiksharth, a non-profit working towards education amongst tribal children. “It’s been many days now! When will he come? Can someone please...

When A Yatra Comes To Mhaswad Town

When A Yatra Comes To Mhaswad Town

Every year, in December, Mhaswad becomes a hub of excitement. Several thousand people from neighboring towns and villages descend on this small and sleepy town on the occasion of the yatra (journey). The yatra is the largest religious festival of Mhaswad, where the...

Eagles Eye, Subtle Pry: A Research Study On Honeybees

Early in the morning, I left for field work, in Palghar, Maharashtra where I'm currently working with Under the Mango Tree (UTMT), a social enterprise. This was one of the designated tasks that demands to deal with orchard owners. I’m trying to find a relationship...

Gun License, Hindu Identity: In Conversation With Locals Of Sitapur

While talking with people over snacks, there is so much that I learn about this place and its surrounding areas. The topic of gun license came up when I was interacting with parents of a girl, whom I teach in a school here at Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh (UP). It...

कोटड़ा की ‘वेर प्रथा’

Kotra, a tribal region in Udaipur district of Rajasthan, is where I have been living at, for the past six months of my fellowship. Often confused with Kota at my home, Kotra is the part of Rajasthan that I never knew existed (perhaps my ignorance is the reason behind...

Goats And Nine Yards Of Blue

Across Munger district of Bihar, women dressed in sky blue saris are disrupting the community’s perception of their ability to improve the lives of poor. With help from a Goat Resource Center (GRC), a small establishment by the roadside that serves as an office and...

Baha Parab – The Festival of Flowers

Baha, the flower festival of Santhals is celebrated between February and March every year - the Falgun month as per Hindu Calendar. It is a celebration to express gratitude and respect to mother nature. Baha is one of the biggest festivals of Santhals after Sohrai -...

Life of Tribe in Bastar Region of Chhattisgarh

Living in a tribal community from last 11 months has made me realize the ease with which they lead their life. Every newborn in the family plays and have fun within the house for first 3 years. They get used to the lifestyle. They get fed with page (Staple food) and...

Duski, a Unique Ritual to Forecast Local Weather

In India, 70% of the population is dependent on biodiversity for livelihood. Resources like food, fodder and fertilizer are basic necessities of life. But, working in Bhoola village for the last 10 months has given me an altogether different overview. It was just...

Learning Without Reading: A Day With Enterprising Rural Women

"Anokhi" - A unique initiative by Shram Sarathi, in collaboration with STEP Academy (Skill Training, Employ-ability & Placement), supported by Aajeevika Bureau. It's designed to equip women entrepreneurs with tools and skills they may need to thrive in their...

Everyday Life At a Brick Kiln in Maharashtra

Imagine moving-in to a new place with your family for four months carrying all your possessions. How about doing it every year! While working with Katkari tribe in Raigad, on their social upliftment, one of the key issues we battle every year is Migration. They leave...

An Unforgettable Visit To The ANC And Under-Five Camp

Ante-natal Women & Under Five Children’s Clinic (ANC camp) is a medical camp organized by Swasthya Swaraj. It is an important program activity that happens every month in different clusters. To give you a background, Swasthya Swaraj has 2 major clinic centers -...

पुरुलिया, पश्चिम बंगाल में सोहराय त्यौहार – एक चित्र कथा

जैसा की मैंने अपने पिछले ब्लॉग में बताया था की मैं इंडिया फ़ेलो द्वारा पुरुलिया में एक सामुदायिक रेडियो स्टेशन नित्यानंद जनवाणी 91.2 FM  में नियुक्त किया गया हूँ| मेरे आगमन के समय पुरुलिया हरी-भरी नयी फसलों से लहलहा रहा था जोकि अब पांच महीने बाद सुनहरी घनी फसलों में...