The Joy Of Little Things In Life

The Joy Of Little Things In Life

The act of finding beauty and joy in the everyday chaos can offer an opportunity to pause and reconnect with ourselves.

बदलाव की क़ीमत?

बदलाव की क़ीमत?

बाज़ार में हो रहे बदलावों की क़ीमत आख़िर किसे सहनी पड़ती है ? इस सवाल का जवाब ढूँढता शिवांशु का ये ब्लॉग।

GARIMA – A Sustainable Development Model

GARIMA – A Sustainable Development Model

The pandemic induced crisis and the questions emerging out of it, gave rise to a sustainable developmental model: GARIMA (Grameen Aatmanirbhar Rojgaari Manch) – Towards Sustainable Swaraj. Realising that livelihood is an inseparable part of healthcare, Jan Swasthya Sahyog conceptualised it to ensure proper health of local communities.

गुलाबी सर्द

ख़ुद की तलाश में उत्तर प्रदेश से निकलकर गुजरात पहुँचा हुआ शिवांशु, बता रहा है उसका सीखने का सफ़र। जो कि गुलाबी सर्द ने उसे याद दिलाया।

Empowering Adolescent Girls In Kutch and Kalahandi

Empowering Adolescent Girls In Kutch and Kalahandi

This blog is jointly written by Udhisha working with SETU Abhiyan and Adithya working with Swasthya Swaraj On March 8, the world celebrated International Women’s Day. This year, the focus was on the themes “Inspire Inclusion” and Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress....

Sheep Penning In Agriculture

Sheep Penning In Agriculture

Sheep penning is a very ancient and traditional practice which was also an important aspect of the agro-pastoral economy.

How To Conduct A Health Camp For Epilepsy?

How To Conduct A Health Camp For Epilepsy?

What Is Epilepsy? It is a non-communicable disease present in the brain and it affects people of all ages, called as 'Mirgi' in Hindi. When a person experiences multiple seizures then that person might have epilepsy. For more information on the disease, read here....