Our discontented Anganwadi workers need to be understood and empowered to guarantee the foreseeable future of the country
Navigating TB Medication Shortage In Rural Bihar
Exploring why there is a shortage in the very essential TB drugs and no one seems to be talking about it – in the mainstream media
Theoretical and Practical Knowledge – is the Debate Relevant?
Gaurav explores the conundrum around the age old debate between theory and practice, although are they truly in opposition?
नशामुक्ति अभियान: जीवन का बदलाव
जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग, छत्तीसगड में काम कर रहे इंडिया फ़ेलो सूर्यकांत ने नशामुक्ति अभियान के बारें में विस्तार से लिखा है।
How To Conduct A Health Camp For Epilepsy?
What Is Epilepsy? It is a non-communicable disease present in the brain and it...
The Life of Lamani’s Gandhi among the Baiga
This is the story of Lamani’s Gandhi. A man who gave his life to the cause of Baiga people and was much loved for his work in their life.
Dairy and Plastic: Rethinking Our Relationship
Domestication Dairy and plastic: Uneasy Partnership In our everyday lives, we...
We Live In Dilemmas
One brisk evening during my fellowship mid-point meet/training in Delhi , we...
Kaliyar Sharif: A Shrine of Healing
Since I became an India Fellow, I have frequently traveled to Roorkee,...