जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग (JSS) छत्तीसगढ़ के बिलासपुर जिले में एक छोटे से गाँव गनियारी...
The Hidden Tragedy In Kalahandi
Despite the visual appeal and novelty of the environment in Kalahandi, Odisha,...
आसपुर, राजस्थान के गांव से नेतृत्व बढ़ौती तक का मेरा सफर
मेरा नाम मनीष है और मैं दक्षिणी राजस्थान के डुंगेरपुर जिले के आसपुर कस्बे मे...
A Day In My Life As An India Fellow – Part 1
When the day begins, I don’t know how it’s going to end. India Fellow...
A Tale of Two Analogous Events: Sickle Cell Anemia
As a fellow, the excitement of a field visit is unparalleled, especially...
Understanding and Power: Exploring Parallels with Sudhir Kakar
"In another, more dynamic formulation to which I would subscribe, the...
Social Challenges Faced By A Female Patient Suffering From Tuberculosis
I was scared that if my husband or my mother-in-law would get to know that I...
Reflections From The Work On Tuberculosis
I have been working for 18 months with Innovators In Health (IIH). The...
Tobacco Consumption In Rural Uttar Pradesh: Pain Reliever Or Addiction
According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey India 2016–17, nearly 267 million...