इण्डिया फैलो मिड पाॅइन्ट कार्यशाला के लिए मेरा १० दिन के लिए दिल्ली जाना...
What A Kilometre Long Road In South Delhi Tells You About Social Structures
Recently, I relocated to Delhi. I was fortunate enough to have friends who...
Water Water Everywhere
The allure of Nizamuddin basti's patterning of two polarities co-existing in...
A Single Story Across The Bridge
Slogans spray painted on the wall of a flyover in front of one of Nizamuddin...
If Cities Were People: Udaipur, Delhi And Lucknow
Three cities imagined as people one would know in real life.
The Dark Night(s)
6 PM As a new chapter began on a partly chilly October night,With a friend by...
Stereotypes, Prejudices And Discrimination : Health Of Mental Health In India
Away from the maddening crowd of the city, I was sitting by the bank of the...
The Unwritten Rules For The Binary Genders
In Kanpur, six months of my fellowship has been about marketing organic...
Guided Discovery – Visual Notes From A Leadership Training
Do you know that there are seven types of learners? I'm majorly Kinesthetic,...