मुझे खमीर में काम करते हुए तीन महीने हो चुके हैं। पिछले तीन महीनों में फील्ड...
Settling In And Attending A Visioning Exercise
Finding A Place To Live Last month brought with it some of the most...
Her: The Story Of A Beautiful Creation
The role of women in my life has been invaluable and transformative, shaping...
Sickle Cell Anemia And A Day In The Life Of A Counsellor
On 8th August 2023, I accompanied Laxmi Patkar, a counsellor at Jan Swasthya...
The Story Of Thoriyari Village Pond
Thoriyari village pond is a place to visit, a great learning resource to...
“आओ भाईसाहब बैठो, कुछ ठंडा वंडा पीयो” These were some of the first words that...
पिछले तीन महीनों में कुछ नए अनुभव
सवाल थे हर कदम पर, क्या तुमने जवाब ढूंढने की कोशिश की?सीख थी हर मोड़ पर, क्या...
Adivasis – Stereotypes vs Reality
As a diverse country, we know that people from different religions, cultures,...
Fakirani Jats Of Kutch, Gujarat
Since I started working in the corporate IT industry, I've always been away...