What happens when the state mandates its citizens to reveal their names?
What Organograms Tell Us Of Systems And People
Have you ever looked at that flowchart like diagram as to who is where in the system and wondered, whose world view does it represent?
Defining Your Empowerment
Exploring the different ways in which rural women of Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh are experiencing empowerment in their everyday lives
बोली, भाषा और राजनीति
आलेख बोली और भाषा की पहचान और उससे जुड़े सवालों पर चर्चा करता है। यह विलुप्त होती भाषा के साथ समाज के विलुप्त होने की चिंता व्यक्त करता है।
Empowering Adolescent Girls In Kutch and Kalahandi
This blog is jointly written by Udhisha working with SETU Abhiyan and Adithya...
कुछ गुफ्तगू मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर
इस पॉडकास्ट के जरिए, मैंने और मेरी साथी सहेली 'समरीन' ने जिंदगी से जुड़े कुछ...
कार्यक्षेत्र में महिलाओं की संख्या को कैसे बढ़ाया जाये
भारत की कुल आबादी में से आधी आबादी महिलाओं की है, हमारे देश में नारी को भगवान...
हैंडीक्राफ़्ट के दाम इतने महंगे क्यों है?
हैंडीक्राफ़्ट यानी हाथ से बना सामान। जब भी मैं इनके बारे में सुनता हूँ तो एक...
How Climate Change Affects Migrant Workers
While traveling in and out of towns or cities, I have often observed a specific group of people living on the outskirts. You might have seen them too. Have you ever wondered why they live in such miserable conditions? Is it solely for the purpose of earning money, or...
Intersectionality: Understanding Layers of Oppression
Intersectionality serves as a framework to understand social relations. By recognizing and examining multiple forms of oppression and discrimination experienced at the same time. This concept acknowledges overlapping layers of disadvantaging factors, including class,...
Machiavellian Leaders In Modern Times
Scholars and practitioners have widely explored and utilized the leadership concepts originating from Niccolò Machiavelli's sixteenth-century political theory, applying them to the context of contemporary leadership. While his primary focus was on political...
Allegory Of The Cave: In Social Work
Plato's (an ancient Greek philosopher) Allegory of the cave is a philosophical dialogue. He presents it in his work 'The Republic' where he describes a group of people who live in a cave since childhood. They have chains around their bodies that keep them in one place...
Dying Children And Dead Living Rooms
Until a few months back, when I saw parents coming in with really sick children but not looking concerned enough, it was unbelievable. Basic Healthcare Services, where I work as a fellow, runs Amrit Clinics located in remote tribal villages of southern Rajasthan. We...
Ethical Conflicts Of A Non-Profit Working On Financial Inclusion
Imagine, you are standing next to train tracks and you see a train coming. There are five people tied up on the tracks, they will die if the train keeps going. But there is a lever next to you that you could pull to switch the train onto a different track. However,...
Whom Does The Forest Belong To?
All about the game of resources and identities, understanding intersectionality with respect to the reserves of Uttarakhand and the politics around it “Hey, hello, you, who are you? What are you doing here?” A forest guard asked me when I was going around for some...
Learning From Cognitive Biases And Using Them To My Advantage
As someone who has been fascinated by the mysteries of the human mind, the concept of cognition and how it influences our decision-making has always piqued my interest. During my mid-point training as an India Fellow, I was introduced to the concept of cognitive...
Beyond Identity: The Power of Genuine Connection
Lately, I've been thinking about my true identity and how I introduce myself when asked who I am. It's intriguing how different people perceive my identity, which also varies depending on the location and context of our meeting. For example, during my India Fellow...
Addressing Mental Health Challenges for Women in India
Introduction Mental health is as vital as physical health and should be approached with the same openness and comfort. It plays a crucial role in our overall well-being, influencing our thoughts, emotions, choices, and actions. Unfortunately, in India, discussions...
Rehan And Patwan – A System of Mortgaging Agricultural Land
In rural India, where a significant portion of agricultural land is cultivated by tenant farmers, the practice of renting farmland is illegal. As a result, tenant farmers face limitations in accessing government assistance and farming markets. However, an informal...
Garment Construction: An Overview
Fun Fact: The piece of apparel you are currently wearing was potentially put together using a formula. Have you ever wondered about how different pieces of fabric of different sizes come together to be built into a single piece of garment without any flaws?...
Reflections From The Work On Tuberculosis
I have been working for 18 months with Innovators In Health (IIH). The organization has been actively working on the ground for over 12 years now. They work to address public health issues like tuberculosis (TB) and maternal health. To understand IIH's work in detail,...
The Lack Of Access To Education For Children Of Migrant Workers In Kerala
11-year-old Habil* is engaged in an intense mobile game. Gunshots echo in his dimly lit room. Alone, he sits the entire day waiting for his parents to come home in the evening. His mother works at a plywood company half a kilometer away. While his father is a daily...