While talking with people over snacks, there is so much that I learn about...
The Story Of Informal Credit And Migrant Labor
Informal sector constitutes a major chunk in GDP of India. The sector is often...
My Story With PERIODS As A Male Staff
Image: Doing sessions and discussions with adolescent girls on Menstrual...
एक सन्देश मेरे विद्यालय के बच्चों के नाम
‘उम्मीद’ एक ऐसा शब्द है जो मुझे ले चलता है वर्ष 2009 की तरफ, जब मैं 12 वर्ष का...
The Polluted Notion of Purity
8/8/18: It was my second day in Mishirpur, a village in Sitapur district of...
सामुदायिक रेडियो सिर्फ रेडियो नहीं बल्कि लोगों की एकीकृत आवाज़ है
मैं पुरुलिआ, पश्चिम बंगाल के एक छोटे से गाँव में स्थित सामुदायिक रेडियो स्टेशन...
Why The Poor Make Expensive Health Choices
Imagine you are a middle aged man living in rural India. For years now, you...
Viewing Mental Health From A Care Giver’s Lens
The brain is a fascinating organ. While I’m writing this, I realize that the...
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