First Immersion

An account of the initial immersion into the grassroots. Fellow’s encounters with diverse realities, unfamiliar terrain, and new relationships

मेरी नज़र में दिल्ली

मेरी नज़र में दिल्ली

इण्डिया फैलो मिड पाॅइन्ट कार्यशाला के लिए मेरा १० दिन के लिए दिल्ली जाना हुआ। वैसे मैं पहले भी दिल्ली जा चुका हूँ पर इससे पहले कभी इतने दिनों तक वहां नहीं रूका और न ही इतना घूम सका। मैं सवाई माधोपुर, राजस्थान में एक छोटे से गाँव मखौली में रहता हूँ।...

जब किशोरियाँ सवाल पूछती हैं

जब किशोरियाँ सवाल पूछती हैं

हमेशा किसी भी कार्य की शुरुआत होती है एक सवाल से! किसी भी विचार में, बात में, विवाद में, चर्चा में या आंदोलन में। एक सवाल जो उठता है चिंगारी की तरह और थोड़ी हवा मिलने पर बड़ी और चमकीली लपटें पकड़ता है। जरूरत होती है बस उस चिंगारी को जगाए रखने की। भुज, कच्छ में ऐसा ही...

Conversations About Boundaries

Conversations About Boundaries

"I think women's tolerance to male entitlement has come down as compared to our mothers' generation", said Rohini* sitting on one side of the canal. We were five India Fellows who had come to this beautiful village called Noor* for our rural immersion. Two other...

Meenakshi Devi and Her Never Give Up Attitude

Meenakshi Devi and Her Never Give Up Attitude

A still from Meenakshi Devi's classroom My anticipation from the first field visit during our induction training was largely based on my stereotypes of villages. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie puts this across eloquently in her TedTalk 'The Dangers of a Single Story' She...

Redefining My Idea Of A Village

My father grew up in a village named Purana in Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha. My grandmother, whom I fondly call bou (mother, in Odia) still lives there. As a child, I visited and stayed there during summer and winter vacations. However, most of my ideas about the...

Last Mile Delivery of Products & Services

As a part of training program at India fellow, I got an opportunity to visit the rural parts of Udaipur. The visit was intended merely for observing people and surroundings. Madar - the history of this village is older than the foundation of Udaipur itself. It was a...

Looking Back and Ahead – From Mizoram To Rajasthan

Having spent my early childhood in a small village of Kamalanagar in Chawngte, Mizoram and living half of my 26 years in different cities of India, I have been fortunate enough to experience different flavors of life. This post is about an experience from Madar...

Life, And The Patterns in Which it Unfolds

Today, I have a little too much of motivation to wake up, dress up, show up in the foyer and hit the road ASAP! "Why? What's the reason for this adrenaline rush?", I asked myself... It’s the rural immersion, something that I’ve faintly heard of, but was highly...

Plato And Cave – Valuable Lessons From The Allegory

In The Republic by Plato, he analyses a story of a group of people born and brought up in a dark cave without any connection with the outside world. The "Cave Allegory", as it is called, gets interesting when one among them finds out about the truth of their existence...

We Need A Balance In Stories About Indian Villages

A single story is one where the same thing gets told over and over again about a people or a place we do not know first-hand. The danger? It leads to stereotypes, to half-truths, not the truth. Our lives and cultures are composed of many overlapping stories. A single...

Not My Cup Of Chai

“One’s destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller An early morning bus from Udaipur to Gogunda made up for a good start. Gogunda is a small town and a major hub for surrounding villages in Udaipur. It is well connected via buses and...

Of People And Places

Ever had the feeling where you were kicking yourself for leaving the good life behind? From being a reasonably well-off graduate student in Toronto, enjoying first-world comforts, to being completely drenched and hanging on for dear life, on the roof of an overcrowded...