Explore Rajasthan’s rural water crisis: challenges, solutions, and stories of resilience in Kalwada, Bhamboriya, and Nevta Panchayats
Detachment and Integration: Life in Pota Cabins
Akanksha write about her observations at Pota Cabin schools. How Integrating young minds in Sukma into a predetermined education system, while removing them from violence, can creates a sense of detachment
Kites Of Hope: Weaving Livelihoods In Bastis Of Ahmedabad
Exploring the lore behind kites and kite-makers of Ahmedabad and their vital role in sustaining livelihoods
Restoring Kutch’s Grasslands From ‘Mad Trees’
Restoring the grasslands of Kutch by converting the prosopis or the mad trees into Biochar using pyrolisis, reducing carbon emission
Women and Their Unpaid Labour
Women are often held back from participating in paid work because of the demanding nature of unpaid labor women do on daily basis
सिलिकोसिस समस्या: एक सफ़र खनन और स्थानांतर की तरफ
पत्थर का काम करते हुए मजदूरों में दशकों से सिलिकोसिस समस्या बढ़ती जा रही है। पढ़िए खनन से जुड़ी इस समस्या के बारें में।
नशामुक्ति अभियान: जीवन का बदलाव
जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग, छत्तीसगड में काम कर रहे इंडिया फ़ेलो सूर्यकांत ने नशामुक्ति अभियान के बारें में विस्तार से लिखा है।
The Shearing Of Sheep : A Photo Story
A photo story on the sheep shearing process by the pastorals in the Kutch region
‘Character Alive’ : An Activity To Engage Children
Working at a children's library has been a journey filled with endless possibilities and captivating discoveries. Among the many fascinating aspects of library education, one that has truly stood out for me, is 'Engagement activities'. What are Engagement Activities?...
बदलाव और सोनी बावरी
यह कहानी राजस्थान के सवाई माधोपुर जिले में स्थित एक गांव में बावरी बस्ती समुदाय में रहने वाली लड़की सोनी बावरी की है। यह अभी नवरंग प्रोग्राम में शिक्षा साथी के रूप में कार्य कर रही है। नवरंग प्रोग्राम ग्रामीण शिक्षा केंद्र द्वारा संचालित किया जा रहा एक...
Kalamaitri – A Collective Run Enterprise
In an ideal world, collectives would be catalysts for societal progress, acting as agents of change. Throughout history, revolutions, social movements, and grassroots organizations have emerged to challenge oppressive systems. The advocate for human rights, and demand...
Design Thinking Is A Mindset, Not Just A Skill
Design thinking is often seen as a skill exclusive to professional designers. I used to think the same, until recently. The midpoint training at India Fellow was my first exposure to the topic. After the session, we got to interact with Mudita from The Design Village....
Journey Of Gulab Buffalos’ Milk
Study of Van Gujjar settlements and their spatial utilization by understanding everyday activities, resources management and commons distribution across the landscape specially Buffalos' Milk. Asama from Kunao, Rajaji National Park got up at 4am. She needs to complete...
‘Theatre Of The Oppressed’ As A Tool For Social Change
Post the earthquake of 2001, Kutch has seen rapid industrialisation and urbanisation. This has accelerated more in the past decade. This has had a two-fold effect on the environment and on human relationships in the region. Alongside, the political climate of India,...
Social Challenges Faced By A Female Patient Suffering From Tuberculosis
I was scared that if my husband or my mother-in-law would get to know that I have Tuberculosis they will break off the marriage. That’s why I hid the news from them. - Rani* Rani is a 20-year-old and the mother of a nine-month-old baby. She was sitting out in the sun...
Inked In Tradition: The Tattoos Of Bind Community
People in India have been using permanent tattoos on the skin for more than a century. Each clan had a distinctive personality frequently characterised by a large size tattoo. There are many social justifications for doing it in these communities. Most people nowadays...
From Meadows To Markets: The Van Gujjars’ Milk Routes in The Himalayas
Van Gujjars are a community located in the northern part of India, along the Ganga and Yamuna rivers. They are known for their traditional Gojri buffalo. Traditionally, Van Gujjars migrate up to the Himalayan Bugyals (higher altitude wetlands) during summers. However,...
Forty Minutes Of A Monday Morning At A School In Bhuj
Waking up by 7:00 AM is my definition of waking up early. The morning follows its motions. A bath to freshen up the body, a book to gently wake up the mind, and a cup of warm tea to bring ease and lubricate all the cogs in me. And with this reawakened self I leave for...
A Year In The Gojri Calendar
Winters are here and at the start of December, all the colorful kambals (coarse woolen blanket or shawl) are out. Days are short and people get done with their dinners early. More cups of steamy tea are consumed while sitting arond the fireplace. During the evenings,...
The Art Of Spinning : My First-Time Experience
It's a flower. A flower unlike anything you and I have ever seen. Within it something white in colour and made of the thinnest of strands all held together in a ball with strength that's a mere suggestion. You can pull it from one side and it stretches further and...
भोपा और गाड़िया लोहार समुदाय
भोपा समुदाय भोपा समुदाय राजस्थान भारत में लोक देवताओं का गायन करने वाला एक समुदाय है। यह मुख्य रूप से राजस्थान में ही है। भोपा शब्द पुरुषों के लिए प्रयोग करते हैं तथा भोपा स्त्रियों के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है। भोपा राजस्थान में पाबूजी की फड़ और देवनारायण की फड़ में...
Gender And Masculinity Intervention In Kushalgarh, Banswara
Kushalgarh is a block in the Banswara district of Rajasthan. 80% of its population migrates to other adjacent states for wage labour. I work with Aajeevika Bureau at a women resource centre to nurture women's collective in the district. We recently conducted a 2-day...