Life Of An India Fellow In Kalahandi
How does your typical day look? Does it come close to our fellow Rahul’s? What do you think of how he is spending his 21st year of life?
पहियों की कहानी: ट्रक की ज़ुबानी
Truck and its journey through the ups and downs of life via poetry.
More-than-human Networks Of Hara
The author explores the meanings of networks and explores their more-than-human meanings through settlement infrastructures of a community.
From Vision To Victory – An Outreach Story
The journey of Team Vision Foundation and its founder Sandesh Bhingarde – one person’s vision of social change.
Tribal Health: Skincare Beyond Cosmetics
This blog uses dermatological issues- often seen as cosmetic- to highlight the challenges of tribal health in India.
A Girl Named Hope
Dive into the story of a girl who held on to hope against the ravages of life to educate herself, her sisters, and their children.
Chali Chali Ki: Of The Women Walking
Across the world, women continue to struggle with mobility. But what if landscapes force women to keep walking? Read to find out!
A Lesson In Lambani Embroidery
What does it mean to stitch a space? Read on Archit’s exploration of lives behind the lambani embroidery.
The “Human Process Lab”: A Journey Of Discovery
Dive into a fellows’s understanding of the human process lab and look at this intriguing process from an insider’s perspective.
Overcoming Fears And Embracing Change: Tales From Solan
Author takes the readers on a journey of fear and change through self-discovery in Solan, new experiences, and personal growth.
The Road Less Taken
Our upbringing shapes the path we follow. However, there are some outliers who change the future of their communities.
The Silence Of The Facilitators: The Quiet Ones Watch
How do different approaches create different spaces? In this blog, author explores the ideas of silence in facilitation.
The Chronicles Of A Goofy New Neighbour
An unexpected relationship in a completely alien land rescues the author from being a ghost to becoming family.
Social World To Social Media: Impact On Millennials
Humble exploration of social interactions, self-identity, and its profound impact on mental well-being, behaviors, and societal perceptions.
Finding Familiarity In The Alien City Of Indore
How does a place become home? Perhaps it is about the place where we finally come on our own.
Exploring Balika Panchayat In Republic Of India
Gujarat is the first state to promote Balika Panchayat (of adolescent girls) for building political awareness and civic action amongst rural girls.
Water Warriors: Leading Charge Against Drought In Marathwada
Women’s inclusion in water has to be driven. It should be mainstreamed and treated as an objective tool to attain other development goals.
Empathy In Healthcare: Healing More Than A Body
What does empathy in healthcare look like? How does the mental affect the physical? Mrinalini grapples with profound questions in this blog.