स्कूल : एक खोज

स्कूल : एक खोज

राम को चौदह बरस का वन-वास मिला था| जिन्हें हिन्दू धर्म में बड़ा किया गया था, वे टीवी पर रामानन्द सागर के रामायण में राम को जाते हुए देखकर रोये भी थे| राम के कई नाम रहे और हर नाम के साथ वे घूमते रहे| राम कबीर के रहे और नानक के, तुलसी के भी राम थे और रहीम के भी| राम...

Pariksha Pe Charcha – A Tale Of Examinations In Sukma

Pariksha Pe Charcha – A Tale Of Examinations In Sukma

A child trying to "by-heart" lessons before an exam One thing I feared the most in my school days were examinations. There were one too many factors to it, from an unacceptable concept that marks define who you are, to the troubling competition and pressure from...

Caste, Reservations And Our Privilege

Caste, Reservations And Our Privilege

Caste comes out in many ways, invisible to some, on the face for others Caste-ism like a few other topics that I’ve written on, fascism and Kashmir, is somewhat controversial, is a vast and deep subject and this blog wouldn't be able to cover many of the nuances of...

The First Quarter Of My Fellowship Journey

The First Quarter Of My Fellowship Journey

It has been three months in my field area and so far the journey has been horribly good. Do you remember The Storyteller by HH Munro Saki? Just like how the bachelor uses these two words together to describe the character of his story, I am using these words...

कुछ लोग खुद से पहले समाज के बारे में सोचते हैं

कुछ लोग खुद से पहले समाज के बारे में सोचते हैं

From left ... Amma, Aditi, Manoj ji, Praveen ji and Golden हम सभी अपने जीवन में अनेक प्रकार के लोगों से मिलते हैँ और कुछ लोग हमें प्रभावित भी करते हैँ। वैसे ही लोग में से एक प्रवीण जी के बड़े भैया मनोज जी हैं और भैया के साथ जो बातचित हुई उसे आप सभी के साथ साझा कर रही...

The Consequence Of Accumulated Experience

The Consequence Of Accumulated Experience

If you have a few strands of grey hair on your head, then you may not like a wild idea coming your way. Or perhaps a new solution to the old problem, definitely not the old solution to the old problem. This has little to do with the idea or the solution. It is what I...

The Pathway To Contextual Learning In Tribal Chattisgarh

The Pathway To Contextual Learning In Tribal Chattisgarh

“Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one”Malcolm Forbes Education develops curiosity and exposes us to the vicinity of immense knowledge. Knowledge grows and changes as one feeds on it. The constant pursuit to capture, codify and communicate...

How Dark Is Dark Enough?

How Dark Is Dark Enough?

Bindal river - Govind Ghar slum, Dehradun Stepping over the bricks placed strategically on the puddles, we walked through the lane about two feet wide with double storeys built on both sides. It suddenly opened into a small courtyard where a few families were...

Women And Panchayati Raj Institutions

Empowerment is a process which encourages individuals to take their own decisions. It also includes financial as well as social freedom to bring change in their communities. With respect to women withstanding their rights and entitlements as citizens of our country,...

Pre-Primary And Primary Education – The Crisis And The Solutions

Pre-Primary And Primary Education – The Crisis And The Solutions

With this post, I'm trying to explore the education system in India, the way it has changed over the years and various government policies as well as schemes implemented for the improvement of this system. A lot of non-profit organisations have played a major role. I...

My Year In Poetry

My Year In Poetry

The faces that came along this year I can’t believe it will soon be a year for me in Raigad. In the most nostalgic tone of Mr. Olivander of Harry Potter, “It seems only yesterday I was walking down the market, buying my first mattress”. I remember my initial days, how...

The Dark Night(s)

The Dark Night(s)

6 PM As a new chapter began on a partly chilly October night,With a friend by my side,I embarked on a journey,Thought to myself that I’ve finally taken flight. This year I am to do something new,From a bird's eye view,I am to scour through the land, Sometimes finding...