My India Fellow journey got more purposeful when I reached Chhattisgarh after...
Learnings From A Craft Mela In Kutch
Experiential Learning is something that we have all heard of. Same is the case...
Kushinagar : A Mental Revisit
"... it is in the nature of all things to decay." Gautama Buddha As I stumbled...
A Bus Journey From Source To Destination
In the area where I work, families often migrate seasonally for labor. They...
Taboo And Anger : Where Is The Space For Empowerment?
The image of the prime minister posing with his scepter, juxtaposed with the...
एक नर्स की भूमिका
नर्सेज़ का वेतन अलग-अलग जगह पर अलग होता है। प्राइवेट हॉस्पिटल मे नर्सेज़ का वेतन...
Amplifying Community Voices: Inclusive Radio Programming
In this digital age, media plays a vital role in shaping our society. Ensuring...
Water: From Scarcity To Abundance
"Come, come, sit under the tree. Yes, it's scorching hot anyways. Shall I make...
From Waste To Wealth – The Story of Rajiben Vankar
Take a peak into the rise of Rajiben Vankar, as she paved her way from a weaver to an eco-entrepreneur
The Paradox Of Technology-Based Education In India
India is a land of paradoxes where students of IITs learn Artificial Intelligence whereas children in tribal areas lack access to basic elementary education. When the upper-middle-class children attend webinars, the children of below poverty line families engage in...
Who Are the Lucknow Leaders?
Looking back at leaders of Lucknow and learning from them.
कागज़ का देस
जिस समय यह लेख लिखा जा रहा है हिन्दुस्तान कोरोना वायरस के केसेस में दुनिया में तीसरे नं. पर है और एशिया में पहले| बिहार और असम एक भीषण बाढ़ से गुजर रहे हैं जिनमें लोगों के घर, मवेशी, पूंजी, बच्चे सब बह रहे हैं| कश्मीर में इंटरनेट के साथ-साथ बहुत कुछ बंद हुए एक साल हो...
Healthcare Vocabulary: On Developing Regional Languages
In 2018, I attended the UNDP National Youth Parliament as a media corespondent. Young delegates from every state in the country came to participate…which brought to fore a predictable problem. Floor-time was largely spent on voicing grievances about the lack of...
महामारी के बीच दुनिया, राजनीति और आंदोलन
मई के महीने में अमेरिका में गोरे लोगों ने घरों में कैद होने को अपनी आज़ादी का उल्लंघन माना और सड़कों पर उतर आए| वो चाहते थे कि दुकानें खोल दी जाएं और वो काम पर वापस जाएं| वो सरकार से कोई सहायता नहीं लेना चाहते थे| पहले-पहल तो इस बेवकूफ़ी भरी मांग पर मुझे हंसी और...
The Holocaust You Haven’t Heard Of
I studied the UK board at a private school & had internet access to English media world-over. As a consequence, I’ve been assured (by virtue of repetition) that the Jewish Holocaust was humanity’s most memorable dark hour. Schindler’s List, Inglorious Bastards,...
Handicrafts: The Colored Jewels Of Deserted Kutch
A handy book giving a glimpse into the various crafts of Kutch, along with the process of creating such products.
One In 92,275
From Sukma bus stand I got on a bus to Jagdalpur. I have to reach a place called Lathipara, around 30 kilometers away from Sukma. The bus is traveling dead slowly, after one and a half hour journey I got down on the stop - Laskepara. Now there is a 2-mile walk to...
To Panna And Kutch: A Travel Workshop
The India Fellowship ends with a 12-day travel workshop before the endpoint and convocation where the entire cohort of fellows travel to a chosen ecosystem, to understand a particular community, learn from each other and provide collective inputs to address social...
If Cities Were People: Udaipur, Delhi And Lucknow
Three cities imagined as people one would know in real life.
Raikheda Community: Shackles Of The Society
An insight into the effect of social, economic and cultural structures on education
Kanku Ben: A Model Sarpanch
“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.”- Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar This blog is based on a telephonic interview of Kanku Ben taken by me. However, the whole conversation was in Hindi which has been translated, not word...
The Curious Case Of The Male Mommy
March 8th, 2020 - This International Women's Day, Aditya Tiwari was awarded 'World’s Best Mommy'. Tiwari has adopted Avnish, a 22 month-old child with Down Syndrome in 2016. An Incredible Parent, Disability Activist There is no doubt of Tiwari's love for his son. He...