सतपुड़ा पहाड़ की वादियों में बसा एक गाँव है, जहां पर एक घर गाँव कोतवाल, दो घर...
A Great Lesson In Quality Manufacturing
At my home sits a wet mixer grinder since 25 years, manufactured by Butterfly,...
समुदायों को स्वावलम्बी बनाती प्लास्टिक बुनाई
मैं इस साल मई में खमीर आया जो कि कच्छ के कारीगरों के साथ काम करने वाली एक...
Spreading The Wings With India Fellow
Growing up in Delhi and living here for major part, my life has been quite...
Chronicles From The First Month In Bhuj
There's a well-known quote by Thomas Hardy, "Happiness is an occasional...
Kotra: An Introduction To Monsoons And Change
What's the first things that pops up in your mind when you think of Rajasthan?...
From Dacoity To Prosperity In Karauli, Rajasthan
Ever heard of Phoolan Devi, the famous daaku (bandit) from the Chambal region?...
लखनऊ में वो सत्रह दिन
दिन-ब-दिन गुज़र रहे हैं, न पल ठहर रहे हैं, और न ही समयअंजान हैं इस अनजाने सफ़र...
Many Cures For The Same Disease
Access to healthcare is a necessity to all communities. However, the diagnoses, treatment and recovery vary as widely as the communities themselves. To aid a human body heal itself is considered a noble cause, and the need for it is only increasing with the population...
A Balanced Diet Amidst Imbalances
Gogunda is a small town (tehsil headquarters), about 35 kilometres from Udaipur city. It has a hilly terrain. The sabzi mandi in Gogunda is vibrant with lots of fresh vegetables and greens. From sugarcane to the nutritious singhada (water chestnut), there is a wide...
…Ab Toh Bhai Chal Padi, Apni Yeh Naav Hai…
Having lived grounded for most of my life, moving to a new city would’ve been a horrifying thought. But then there’s a time in one’s life when change is necessary – it hands itself over to you when you least expect it – like finding that crumpled Re 500 note in your...
असामान्य गर्भाशय
मैं आपसे बात करना चाहती हूँ उस जगह की जहाँ हमने ज़िन्दगी की शुरुआत की| यह किसी घर या मकान की बात नही हैं, बल्कि बात है उस जगह की जहाँ हर किसी को जीवन मिलता है, जहा जीवन का सृजन होता है। माँ के शरीर का वो भाग जहाँ हम 9 माह रहें है, जिसे हम गर्भाशय कहते हैं। प्रकृति...
Lost In Translation
Have you seen the South Korean movie Parasite that took the world by storm last year, in 2019? Or the German Sci-fi Drama Dark this year (or was it in 1987?) Why go overseas, did you enjoy Baahubali? There’s a certain "flavour" in listening to Baahubali yell a fury in...
Whom Do We Serve?: Making A Tough Choice For The Organization’s Ethos
When I first got to know about being placed at Shram Sarathi for my fellowship year, I was pleasantly surprised. Wanting to work at the intersection of finance and development, this was like a dream come true. It was also like coming back to a point where I had...
The Paradox Of Poverty
When I think of poverty and development, I think of them to be relative rather than absolute, as they are defined partially by the existing living standards. For example, at a place where the rich owns 10 acres of land, those who do not own any land, could be called...
Socialising At Clinics: How ‘Beemari’ And ‘Dawai’ Became My Go-To Conversation Starters
It has been almost a month since I joined Basic healthcare services (BHS) in Udaipur, Rajasthan. BHS runs clinics in remote villages of Udaipur to provide healthcare services to the tribal population, many of whom are also domestic migrant workers. These clinics are...
A Model Sarpanch And Red Bindis
“Where do women and girls want to go and what do they want?” Until the day I visited a Sarpanch for the first time, as a part of my field visits, I realized that I had not given much thought to the little dots that we like to place on our foreheads as ‘bindis’. For...
Contemplating Child-centric Education In Rural Ranthambore
Travelling from New Delhi, I was welcomed to Gramin Shiksha Kendra (GSK) office campus in Sawai Madhopur with the quintessentially autumn scent of shiulis, and a reminder of what fresh air on my face and in my lungs ought to feel like. Notably, with the nearby roads...
Water Water Everywhere
The allure of Nizamuddin basti's patterning of two polarities co-existing in the same space. The left is a sombre tone of white while the right is a jumble of vibrant rocks stacked in cement. If it's your first time in a Basti, the Nizamuddin Basti will surprise you....
Inside Sharma Ji’s Religious Haven
Baldev Sharma's* shop where you'll find idols of gods and goddesses belonging to Hindu, Jain and Buddhist faiths, most of which have been carved on order by customers for various temples and homes. Hailing from a lineage of sculptors, Sharma ji, almost on cue, begins...
From Waste To Weave
In the menace of plastic in Bhuj, lies livelihoods of many weavers of Kutch. Upcycling plastic has proven to not only be a livelihood initiative, but has morphed into a culture of love, protection and well-being of the planet.
A Single Story Across The Bridge
Slogans spray painted on the wall of a flyover in front of one of Nizamuddin Basti's exits As a young girl, having always lived in Delhi, walking through Nizamuddin basti on a Wednesday morning quite literally brought me to a halt. There was so much to take in, to...