The Marathi film Paani was recently released. This is the real story behind the movie capturing the struggles, triumphs of the community.
The Power Of Listening In Grassroots Work
In our lives, sometimes, we meet people where a conversation leaves a lasting impression on us. The author recounts one such instance.
Nuakhai: A Festive Evening
In Odisha, Maa Manikeshwari is widely worshipped. One can find the name on everything – hospital, bus, restaurant, even a general store.
Questions For Self-Discovery From A Human Process Lab
Reflective questions from a 5 day basic human process lab.
Mahi Mahila Bachat Mandal: A Photostory
What happens on a daily basis in a Self Help Group? Take a peek inside Mahi Mahila Bachat Mandal and how they build their financial security.
Desi Oon – Weaving Livelihood Into A Sustainable Practice
The demand for desi oon has declined, negatively impacting the wool ecosystem and affecting the livelihoods of those dependent on it.
Hope In Their Hands: Women Stitching Empowerment
A women led initiative is teaching women stitching to help them become financially independent in rural Bihar.
Language Is A Challenge, Not A Barrier
Understanding the process and significance of qualitative data in a diverse language setting and its set of own challenges
The Life of Lamani’s Gandhi among the Baiga
This is the story of Lamani’s Gandhi. A man who gave his life to the cause of Baiga people and was much loved for his work in their life.
Kutch and its Culture: An Insight through its Villages
Through different customs and practices of two villages in Kutch, this article aims to explore the complex traditions of rural Kutch.
Dairy and Plastic: Rethinking Our Relationship
Domestication Dairy and plastic: Uneasy Partnership In our everyday lives, we often overlook the rich histories of the animals that coexist with us. The evolutionary link between dogs and wolves is widely recognized,but the lesser-known history of cattle domestication...
Sounds of Rapar
Rapar is a taluka of Bhuj District in Gujarat. It is an agrarian economy primarily but currently it is turning into a mining region.
We Live In Dilemmas
One brisk evening during my fellowship mid-point meet/training in Delhi , we visited the majestic Qutub Minar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As I stepped into the vast courtyard, the towering monument, stole my breath away. I marveled at its engineering, feeling...
कुछ गुफ्तगू मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर
इस पॉडकास्ट के जरिए, मैंने और मेरी साथी सहेली 'समरीन' ने जिंदगी से जुड़े कुछ अनुभव साझा किए हैं। हमने हमारे जीवन में गुज़ारे हुए पलों का जिक्र इसमें किया है। हम सभी की बीती जिंदगी में कुछ पलों की, कहीं न कहीं गहरी छाप छपी होती है, जिससे उभर पाना हमारे लिए उस वक़्त आसान...
Kaliyar Sharif: A Shrine of Healing
Since I became an India Fellow, I have frequently traveled to Roorkee, Uttarakhand for work. During my visits, I was always fascinated by the nearby places which I wanted to visit and explore. Though I was never able to do so because of the short trip durations and...
Are We Only Talking?
"Chai bolo bhai chai bolo!" "CHAI!", we said together. And then we giggled. The tea vendor smiled too. This was how a conversation between a stranger and I began while travelling in the winters of Rajasthan. The art of initiating and navigating conversations includes...
कार्यक्षेत्र में महिलाओं की संख्या को कैसे बढ़ाया जाये
भारत की कुल आबादी में से आधी आबादी महिलाओं की है, हमारे देश में नारी को भगवान की तरह पूजते हैं और कहा भी गया है, यत्र नारी पूज्यन्ते, रमन्ते तत्र देवताः यानी जहां पर नारी की पूजा होती है वहाँ पर देवता निवास करते हैं। ऐसी सोच वाले हमारे देश में जब महिलाएँ रोजगार के लिए...
Beharda: A Hidden Tale Of Prosperity
Often in history we have seen many of the princely states, cities and villages which were once at the peak of their prosperity turn into ruins. Today I will tell you the story of one such village which was once known for its prosperity but now only a few traces...
Vasundhara Ni Vaani – Kabir Yatra
It was a bright morning. Everyone was busy with their work. At around 11 am I was standing near the main gate of Gram Swaraj Sangh to welcome our first guests-- students and volunteers from Kaushala for Kabir Yatra-- the three day travel music festival. I was very...
Celebrating A New Kind Of Living : Between Anuppur And Pune
After spending my whole life in Pune, I moved to Anuppur last year. It is one of the easternmost districts of Madhya Pradesh bordering Chhattisgarh with a population of 7.5 lakhs as per the 2011 census. This district was formed in 2003, and is mainly a hilly region...
An Imprint Of Culture In Kutch
The costumes of people in rural areas of Kutch, Gujarat are known for their vibrant colours, intricate embroidery, and unique designs. They reflect one-of-its-kind richness in culture and traditional craftsmanship of the region. Both men and women wear locally...
The November Of 2023
I plan my trips well in advance and always leave room for some delay in departure or arrival. This time, I had come to Delhi for India Fellow training, with a similar thought. I reached a day early so that I have a few hours to relax even if the train was delayed....