When we begin a piece of work, we never anticipate the challenges that will crop up. This gives us a creative confidence when the issues finally show up.
Laal Ishq
The thin line between love, passion and violence. And how a patriarchal society fuels irrationality, author mulls.
Cultural Insights: What Kalahandi Taught Me About Life
What does it mean to build and find community among fewer resources? Rahul discovers important life lessons in Kalahandi.
चिलपुटी की सैर: घोंटूल, सर्गी और साड़ी
चलो आज हम अपना गाँव और यहाँ मिलने वाली बहुत सी नई चीजें जैसे घोंटूल, सर्गी के बीज हमारी शाम की शाला आपको दखाएं।
Rani Laxmi Bai: A Collective Journey For Women Workers
Rural women in Udaipur’s Rani Laxmi Bai Sangathan unite to overcome social barriers, and shape a stronger future as a part of a collective
Community Voices In Interventions: An Afterthought?
To ensure authentic and effective community engagement it is imperative to move beyond tokenistic gestures and superficial inclusion.
Mobility, A Barrier In Getting Out Of Homes For Women
While women in skilling and enterprises have been discussed in development, why do we overlook challenges of mobility when designing programs?
Annapraashan In Aanganwadi: Tuesday Special
In this blog Jagriti explains how Annapraashan in Aangawadis of Gujarat is being used to combat malnutrition.
Fair vs Dark Skinned: A Reverse Bias
An experience of the author that highlights the invisible lines drawn based on appearance, background, and perceived social standing.
“We Don’t Practice Caste In Our Village”
When the practices change, one might have an illusion that the mental model has altered. Far from true. At least in the case of caste.
Why Good Intentions Can Lead To Bad Outcomes
A personal narrative about the dangers of oversimplification or hasty resolution of other people’s problems.
Suresh Ji’s Juice Corner
Ever thought about your everyday people – the dhobi, delivery boy, sweeper or a juice corner vendor and paused to think about their lives?
Micro-migrations To Make Ends Meet
The author hears first hand account of farmers who are struggling to meet ends in south Rajasthan; and what ways are they forced to choose.
The Impacts Of Mainstream Sustainable Solutions
In this article, author explores what happens when local communities are not heard in massive development projects.
How To Talk …?!?!
In the communication scenario, people tend to use hard words and profound vocabulary but is that really efffective? Let us find out.
Oh Shit …
An imaginary dialogue with a Dalit woman sanitation worker, triggered after watching the documentary ‘Shit’ by Amudhan R.P.
पाल के किनारे रखा इतिहास
Water, central to a settlement and hence civilization, and the history of water in a region tells us so much about the people.
Reflections On Farmers In Udaipur
A collection of interactions with people in Udaipur city that got the author thinking about India – her hopes and fears for the country
Embracing The Simplicity And Serenity Of Badgaon
A day which was a blend of discovery and connection, offering a profound reminder of the richness found in everyday moments and the value of embracing new experiences with an open heart.
Women Safety And Identity
Even though people demand justice when women face violence, they can often be seen justifying the same violence. Read to understand why.
Interactions Of Gender, Caste, And Class
The author reflects on personal biases using life experiences with social systems like gender, class, and caste.
SAL: An Open Hidden Community
In India, Sal tree has an umbrella-handle-shaped distribution all the way along the base of the Himalayas, curving back from Eastern India, moving to Central India with ending in Chhattisgarh.