Reflection Worksheets For Continuous Learning

by | Sep 16, 2024

The Origin Of A Song

It all started with a song—a playful tune that my friend and I would sing at random places. Soon, everyone in the office was singing along: “Rollings, got me goings.” This catchy song not only brought joy to our office but also inspired a deeper reflection on how reflection worksheets and continuous learning can energize our personal and professional lives. One person would start with “Rolling,” and the other would finish with “Got me goings.” Try singing it yourself before continuing with the blog. By the end of this post, you’ll gain insights into:

  • Reflection worksheets and continuous learning
  • Maybe a little bit on how one can create a reflection tool and
  • Disguised meaning of the lyrics

Unpacking The Lyrics

What started as a common hymn slowly revealed its original form to me. One fine day, while I was engrossed in brushing my teeth, I discovered the deeper meaning of the word ‘ROLLINGSS’. The hymn which help me and my colleagues break monotony and energize the environment appears to be a playful exchange. The word “Rolling” represents the continuous journey, the process of moving forward, learning, and evolving. “Got me goings” on the other hand is the spark of motivation, the drive that keeps us engaged and committed to what we do.

Reflection Worksheets: Rolling Into Action

ROLLINGSS – Reflection OLifelong Interests that are Naturally Sustainable and Substantial.

Once I had a full-form of “ROLLINGS” in my mind it was easy for me to visualize a reflection worksheet based on the idea of the full form. With this concept in mind, I designed a reflection worksheet to explore lifelong interests and their sustainability, aligning with the idea of reflection worksheets and continuous learning. I blocked around two hours to facilitate a peer learning meeting. Someone asked me to think of a discussion topic for the meeting. I planned to pilot the reflection activity I created based on the full form, and I designed the session accordingly.

Each participant would get a reflection worksheet that have couple of questions asking about interests that are lasting and how they are sustainable and substantial. After each participant concluded the activity by discussing their interests with the group, I analyzed their responses from the reflection worksheet using ChatGPT. I rated the responses based on the depth of reflection and categorized them into common themes.

Snippet of an Assessment Sheet. Analysis on the basis of depth of reflection from the reflection worksheet to facilitate continuous learning
Snippet of an assessment sheet. Analysis on the basis of depth of reflection.

By examining the snippet above, you’ll notice the number ‘7.7’. This number represents the average rating given to each participant based on the depth of reflection. It also serves as a rating for the session and the facilitator, enabling the facilitator to reflect on their approach and consider possible improvements.

The Importance Of Reflection Activities

A pressing question that remains unanswered is, “Why is there a need for this reflection activity?” I visited a youth club and asked multiple people, “What do you want in life?” To my surprise, the youths at these clubs didn’t have clear wants. Their random responses intrigued me and made me wonder why they couldn’t articulate their desires. I questioned where the notion of self was in these spaces and why no one could simply say they wanted to travel, study, or do nothing. Despite my efforts, I didn’t receive clear answers to my question. As I explained the activity to the participants, I instructed them to be self-centered and completely selfish while writing their responses to questions like

  1. Aapka interest ya hobby kya hai? / What is your interest or hobby?
  2. Yeh interest aapke liye important kyu hai? / Why is this interest important to you?
  3. Aap iss interest ko nurture karne ke liye future me kya plan karte hain? / What do you plan to do in the future to nurture this interest?

And so on. Even though I asked certain leading questions during my facilitation, the analysis of the responses highlighted the altruistic nature of the participants. I grouped most of the responses under themes like altruism and social impact. I wanted to see more ambitious and self-oriented reflections, but there was no requirement for their reflections to be self-centered.

Creating Your Own Reflection Tool

If you’re intrigued by the idea of using reflection to keep yourself rolling, you might want to create your own reflection tool. Start by asking yourself these questions:

  1. What are my lifelong interests?
  2. What activities or topics naturally keep me engaged?
  3. How can I sustain these interests in a way that aligns with my values and goals?

A well-crafted reflection worksheet can guide you through the process of identifying what truly matters to you. It prompts you to think about your lifelong interests, what keeps you naturally engaged, and how you can sustain these interests over time.

The Disguised Meaning Of The Song

By now, you might be starting to see the deeper meaning behind the lyrics. “Rollings, got me goings” isn’t just a catchy tune—it’s a mantra for continuous growth and self-discovery. It’s about staying in motion, both physically and mentally, and using reflection as a tool to keep your momentum alive. So the next time you hear someone humming that tune, let it be a reminder to pause, reflect, and keep rolling forward. Your journey is just beginning, and with the right tools, there’s no limit to where you can go. Since we are talking about limits and how there are none, you can certainly go and check out a gaming highlight video which I uploaded on Youtube with a background song called “Matilda” from one of my favourite artist Alt-J.

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