Few days in the field Ankita finds that she is a doppleganger! Dais and didis all agree. What happens next? Read on to find out.
Dindori – Parasi – Dindori
Author is describing her visit to one of the most beautiful and remotest villages, Parasi, in the district of Dindori, Madhya Pradesh
A Tale Of Two Cities In Central India
A photo story of fellow Sanchita’s first six month journey in central India, where she is working with Jan Swasthya Sahyog
Quality Assessments Of Public Health Facilities In Madhya Pradesh
The author finds themself deeply concerned about the safety of women working in govt. hospitals. Are they truly safe in their workplaces? What are the conditions they face on a daily basis? How gruelling are their shifts? Who bears the responsibility for ensuring their safety?
Baigas Of Shivtarai: Dhatri Matas And Tamil Cinema At The Heart Of Baiga Territory
The author talks about an interaction with women from the Baiga particularly vulnerable tribe (PVTG); and is surprised to find a common ground
Down to the Last Rupee
Discover the harsh realities of rural poverty in India, from coping with emergencies to navigating high-interest loans
नशामुक्ति अभियान: जीवन का बदलाव
जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग, छत्तीसगड में काम कर रहे इंडिया फ़ेलो सूर्यकांत ने नशामुक्ति अभियान के बारें में विस्तार से लिखा है।
GARIMA – A Sustainable Development Model
The pandemic induced crisis and the questions emerging out of it, gave rise to a sustainable developmental model: GARIMA (Grameen Aatmanirbhar Rojgaari Manch) – Towards Sustainable Swaraj. Realising that livelihood is an inseparable part of healthcare, Jan Swasthya Sahyog conceptualised it to ensure proper health of local communities.
How To Conduct A Health Camp For Epilepsy?
What Is Epilepsy? It is a non-communicable disease present in the brain and it...