Our upbringing shapes the path we follow. However, there are some outliers who change the future of their communities.
Human Rights In Crisis
The author reflects on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the human rights abuse endured by unorganised sector workers in India.
Pictured: How Migrant Laborers Live In Surat?
Where do the migrant workers from unknown places, live, when they come to a hustling bustling city?
Mahi Mahila Bachat Mandal: A Photostory
What happens on a daily basis in a Self Help Group? Take a peek inside Mahi Mahila Bachat Mandal and how they build their financial security.
A Deep Dive InTo The Financials Of Migrant Workers
The author works in a Labour Hostel project. The blog has been written after conversations with approximately fifty of them.
Learning From Manthan And Co-Operative Model
For the film to be made, 5,00,000 farmers financed the production, contributing 2 rupees each, making it the first ever crowdfunded Indian film
Addressing Sexual Harassment At Workplace In The Unorganised Sector
The crisis of sexual harassment of women in workplace in the unorganised sector remains hidden and a grave challenge.
The Vignette Of A Driverben
The author gives an overview of the Driverben program he is associated with. It is an urban Ahmedabad based intervention for building women’s agency
Kachchh’s Charcoal Journey: Realities And An Alternative
In this blog Rohan writes about how the spread of invaise Prosopis Juliflora in a significant portion of the Kachchh region is connected with the charcoal industry in Banni. As well as the socio-economic conditions surrounding it.