Being part of an education innovation which aims at changing attitude through...
काशीपुर से ख़त
प्रिय मित्र, कभी रोमांटिसिज्म के बारे में सुना है? कहीं उन्नीस्वीं सदी में इस...
When Urdu Felt Like Home
One of my biggest challenges until now, in the last 6 months of fellowship,...
What Came In The Way Of My Mobile Library
The better part of my day here in Kantain, Uttar Pradesh comes after school...
Making Learning Fun, One Activity At A Time
I always found my school days boring as I never really enjoyed classroom...
मासूम परिंदे!
बचपन एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसे सुनते ही मेरे साथ आप में से कईयों के ज़हन में भी कई...
‘Parag Kosh Ke Daane’ And Sex Education Post 377
What do you say to 12 year old girls who are extremely happy about the legal...
Adventurous Things I Never Did Before Coming To India Fellow
When I boarded a flight from Delhi to Raipur after the mid-point training, I...
A Walk Into Mukta Gyan Kutir School [A photo story]
Welcome Enthusiasts. Before we go any further and you get awestruck with...