Born and brought up in Delhi, I had a fascination to get an exposure to the...
The Kind Of People I Meet During A Sale
One of the best things about being a sales person and selling products is the...
Feeling So Exotic!
On 21st January 2019, i went to Pune for an exposure visit along with a few...
काशीपुर से ख़त
प्रिय मित्र, कभी रोमांटिसिज्म के बारे में सुना है? कहीं उन्नीस्वीं सदी में इस...
Duski, a Unique Ritual to Forecast Local Weather
In India, 70% of the population is dependent on biodiversity for livelihood....
Sanju’s Tryst With Beekeeping
Beekeeping, apart from helping improve crop produce and sustainability, can...
Letters To Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi : Part 4
The Mandi And Modern Supply Chains Dear Gandhi It’s been 150 years since you...