After spending my whole life in Pune, I moved to Anuppur last year. It is one...
An Imprint Of Culture In Kutch
The costumes of people in rural areas of Kutch, Gujarat are known for their...
The November Of 2023
I plan my trips well in advance and always leave room for some delay in...
Common Facility Centre And Wool
A Common Facility Centre (CFC) is a shared physical space for a group of...
A Job Still Not Worth Its Salt
Life hasn’t changed much for small-scale salt pan workers known as Agariyas in...
मासूम ख़्वाहिशें, अनोखी बंदिशें और घटते आंकड़े
कम्युनिटी सेंटर पर रहना यानी आसपास स्थित समुदायों के सभी खुले-छुपे और छुपाए...
Going Back To The Good Old Times
"अरे, उन दिनों में हम ज्वार, बाजरा और माल की ही खेती करते थे, और जंगल में बाकी...
Embracing Sacred Activism: A Global Movement For Water And Life
For me, life is sacred. I'm thankful that I am able to see and walk, that my...
गुमनाम बिरहोर समुदाय
हम किताबों में, कहानियों में, कुछ जगह घूम कर या लोगों से सुन कर आदिवासी समाज...