Plato's (an ancient Greek philosopher) Allegory of the cave is a philosophical...
Kalamaitri – A Collective Run Enterprise
In an ideal world, collectives would be catalysts for societal progress,...
Design Thinking Is A Mindset, Not Just A Skill
Design thinking is often seen as a skill exclusive to professional designers....
Dying Children And Dead Living Rooms
Until a few months back, when I saw parents coming in with really sick...
Journey Of Gulab Buffalos’ Milk
Study of Van Gujjar settlements and their spatial utilization by understanding...
Ethical Conflicts Of A Non-Profit Working On Financial Inclusion
Imagine, you are standing next to train tracks and you see a train coming....
Whom Does The Forest Belong To?
All about the game of resources and identities, understanding...
Walking In & Out Of My Omelas
'Omelas' is a fictional city described in the short story 'The Ones Who Walk...
‘Theatre Of The Oppressed’ As A Tool For Social Change
Post the earthquake of 2001, Kutch has seen rapid industrialisation and...