Bihar is one of the marginalised states in India in terms of education. It has...
Unplugged Candlelight Days In Rural Uttar Pradesh
Bhadohi district of Uttar Pradesh is known for its hand-knotted carpets....
The Toilet Situation In Public Schools Of Rural Bihar
Introduction Having spent nearly 21 years of my life in urban settings, I've...
Migration And Sanitation
While migration offers economic and livelihood opportunities, it also brings...
सुकमा के स्कूल
देश को आज़ाद हुए 76 साल हो चुके हैं। आज भी हमारे देश में कुछ क्षेत्र ऐसे...
A Journey Through Ecosystems, Reflections, and Unseen Connections
My last visit to my hometown in Kerala had been a year ago. I decided to set...
Salma’s Home In The Forests Of Uttarakhand
This is an attempt to understand the world of a forest dweller who is trying...
विदेश का सुनहरा ऑफ़र छोड़ यह युवा बना इंडिया फ़ेलो!
मैं, जाबिद खान, मखौली गाँव का रहने वाला हूँ जो राजस्थान के सवाई माधोपुर जिले...
There Are No Roads But There Is An Ante Natal Care Camp
Organization: Swasthya Swaraj SocietyPlace: Kalahandi, OdishaType of Terrain:...