Can Challenges Be Blessings In Disguise?

by | May 21, 2023


The past seven months have been a period of self-reflection and transformation. Where I have questioned my preconceived notions and expanded my understanding. The India Fellow program has presented me with numerous opportunities to explore new possibilities. Including working at the grassroots level for the first time in my life. Moving from Kashmir to Bihar was a leap of faith. It forced me to confront my fears and appreciate the power of human connection. And also believe in the power of smiles. Meeting incredible individuals in this sector has further fueled my desire for knowledge and exploration.

Also read: How I Came To Believe In The Wonders Of A Smile

As I embarked on my journey to the field one day, I found myself contemplating whether challenges could actually be blessings in disguise. This thought was sparked by a podcast by Elizabeth Gilbert. In that, she discussed the nature of challenges and peaceful times. It made me realize that if given the choice between moments of happiness and difficult/challenging times, most of us would opt for the former. However, upon reflecting on my own journey, I discovered that it was the challenges and difficult times that truly shaped and molded me into the person I am today. Intrigued by this notion, I delved deeper and recognized that challenges can indeed be opportunities for personal growth and development.

Challenges are often seen as negative, as obstacles standing in the way of our goals or preventing us from leading a pleasant life. I have personally stumbled while facing new challenges. But when I look back, I see those very challenges differently than I initially had thought about them. Our perception of things can influence how we view them.

What if I told you that challenges can actually be blessings in disguise? What if I told you that facing and overcoming challenges can lead to personal growth, motivation, and even happiness? This blog post aims to explore the science behind challenges and understand how they can shape us.

The Science Behind Challenges

It is no secret that life can be tough at times. We all face challenges, whether in our personal or professional lives. However, facing and overcoming these challenges can have a range of positive effects on our mental and emotional well-being. Studies have shown that experiencing adversity can increase our resilience and mental toughness, leading to greater overall well-being1. Additionally, overcoming challenges can instill a sense of accomplishment and boost our self-esteem, as we prove to ourselves that we are capable of tackling difficult tasks2.

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people who have faced more hardships in life generally rate their level of happiness and life satisfaction higher than those who have faced fewer hardships3. Similarly, research has found that athletes who have experienced more difficulties and failures exhibit higher levels of mental toughness. They are also better equipped to handle pressure in competition.

Personal development often stems from overcoming obstacles. When we are pushed outside our comfort zones, we are compelled to learn new skills/adopt different ways of thinking. This process enhances our creativity, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. Overcoming obstacles can also lead to increased resilience. This is particularly valuable in the workplace, as it can result in heightened job satisfaction and improved performance. By embracing challenges and pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones, we can enhance our resilience, self-esteem, and problem-solving abilities.


Challenges can serve as powerful motivators. When we set goals for ourselves and face obstacles along the way, we are forced to push ourselves to new levels of achievement. This type of intrinsic motivation, driven by personal satisfaction, is far more potent than extrinsic motivation, which relies on external rewards. In other words, when we are motivated by our own desire to succeed, we are more likely to persevere through challenges and ultimately reach our goals.

The self-efficacy theory offers an insightful perspective on the idea that difficulties may actually be blessings in disguise. We can utilize the motivating potential of adversity to boost our resilience and success by seeing obstacles as opportunities to strengthen our self-belief. As we conquer challenges, we demonstrate to ourselves that we are capable of overcoming difficult situations, which in turn increases our self-efficacy and willingness to take on even greater challenges. From this perspective, challenges can be seen as hidden blessings that offer us opportunities for growth and a means of building our self-efficacy.

Facing Challenges

When I made the decision to join this fellowship journey, I knew there would be challenges. However, I was more excited and motivated by the prospect of experiencing grassroots work. Despite my enthusiasm, I was also nervous about the unknowns that awaited me. Little did I know that the challenges I would encounter would shape me into the person I am today.

The initial challenge of settling into a new place was daunting. Being thousands of kilometers away from my family, managing my finances and daily tasks alone, and finding a sense of community in an unfamiliar environment were all difficult. But despite the hardships, I knew that this journey was something I needed to go through.

There were days when I felt overwhelmed. I would cry and wipe my tears away, only to show up to work the next day and start again. One of the most significant challenges for me was related to my identity. I worried about how my appearance and name would shape others’ perceptions of me before I even had a chance to introduce myself. Yet, I soon realized that these challenges were opportunities for personal growth. By taking on new projects and tasks and working hard to overcome them, I experienced a sense of accomplishment that I had never felt before.

On the contrary, one of the most rewarding experiences during my fellowship journey has been connecting with the community, particularly the children. Initially, I struggled to communicate with them. But as I pushed myself to persist, I discovered a sense of joy and fulfillment that I never thought possible.

Through facing and overcoming challenges, I have learned that there are no limits to what we can achieve if we are willing to put in the effort. Each challenge we conquer expands our capabilities and presents us with opportunities for growth. This we may have never experienced otherwise.

Reflecting on my journey so far, I realize that the challenges I have faced have been blessings in one way or the other. They have helped me to become the person I am today, and I look forward to continuing to push myself to grow and learn as I navigate this fellowship journey.

A Shift of Perspective

Engaging in conversations with my team members has been an incredibly enlightening experience. Witnessing their enthusiasm and drive as they approach challenges has been truly inspiring. Hearing about their journeys as library educators and the obstacles they have faced along the way, such as learning to ride a two-wheeler or conducting library activities with children, has left me in awe of their resilience and determination.

Their willingness to openly share their struggles and view them as moments of growth has been a valuable lesson for me. It has taught me that challenges are not something to be avoided or feared but rather embraced as opportunities to learn and improve. Although it is easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged when faced with difficult situations, my team members have served as a major source of inspiration, showing me that the most rewarding moments often come after overcoming challenges.

Moreover, their stories have provided me with a new perspective on my own challenges. I now approach them with a sense of excitement and curiosity, wondering what lessons and opportunities they may bring. When I encounter difficult moments, I think back to the conversations with my team members. It keeps me motivated to keep pushing forward.

Overall, I am grateful for these conversations, moments of realization, and the lessons they have taught me. They have allowed me to see challenges in a new light and have given me the courage and motivation to tackle them head-on. My journey so far has taught me that facing challenges is not only necessary but also an opportunity for growth.

So let us embrace our challenges, knowing that they are not meant to break us, but to make us stronger, wiser, and more resilient. Let us use them as stepping stones towards our goals and aspirations, and always remember that with every challenge we face, we have the power to overcome it and learn throughout the process of it.

“Sometimes all we need is a nudge in the right direction”


  1. Ungar, M. (2011). The Social Ecology of Resilience: Addressing Contextual and Cultural Ambiguity of a Nascent Construct. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 81(1), 1–17.
  2. Grant, H., & Dweck, C. S. (2003). Clarifying Achievement Goals and Their Impact. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(3), 541–553.
  3. Wu, G., Wei, G.-W., & Chen, B.-B. (2019). The power of adversity: The highest life satisfaction in the oldest old. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116(2), 305–319.
  4. Jones, G., Hanton, S., & Connaughton, D. (2007). A Framework of Mental Toughness in the World’s Best Performers. The Sport Psychologist, 21(2), 243–264
  5. “Embracing the Emotional Challenges of Leadership” by Richard E. Boyatzis and Annie McKee – This Harvard Business Review article discusses how emotional challenges can be opportunities for growth and development.
  6. “The Benefits of Challenge and Adversity” by Keith Oatley and Jennifer Jenkins – This study suggests that facing and overcoming challenges can lead to improved mental health and greater life satisfaction.
हुनर और घबराहट

हुनर और घबराहट

हुनर एक ऐसा अनमोल गुण है, जो हर कलाकार के अंदर छिपा होता है, लेकिन मंच पर खड़े...

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