An unforgettable night in the Kumaon mountains unveils the challenges of rural healthcare and the silent struggles of motherhood
पानी की समस्या, प्रबंधन और महिलाओं की भूमिका
महाराष्ट्र और राजस्थान के अनुभवों पे आधारित, फेलो निखिल और श्वेता पानी और महिलों की जिन्दगीओं से जुडी चीज़ों पर रौशनी डालते हुए।
Tendu Patta: The Indian Ebony
The collection of ebony tree leaves, a communal ritual that brings everyone together to celebrate shared heritage and strengthens bonds
Mandana: A Tale Of Culture, Art And Aesthetics
There are many tribal art forms that have gained traction – Warli, Bhil, Mashubani, Gond. And then there are some which are not as famed.
Caught Between Chind Ras And Pregnant Crabs
Dipali woke us up at 5:30 in the morning. Even at that early hour, the sun was...
Glimpse Into Working With Boys
What young boys in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, had to say about their lived experiences and feminism.
Stories From The Hamlet Of Hara
The author talks about right to communicate amidst the setting of a small hamlet in the western ghats in Karnataka
Dindori – Parasi – Dindori
Author is describing her visit to one of the most beautiful and remotest villages, Parasi, in the district of Dindori, Madhya Pradesh
Women and Their Unpaid Labour
Women are often held back from participating in paid work because of the demanding nature of unpaid labor women do on daily basis
सिलिकोसिस समस्या: एक सफ़र खनन और स्थानांतर की तरफ
पत्थर का काम करते हुए मजदूरों में दशकों से सिलिकोसिस समस्या बढ़ती जा रही है। पढ़िए खनन से जुड़ी इस समस्या के बारें में।
नशामुक्ति अभियान: जीवन का बदलाव
जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग, छत्तीसगड में काम कर रहे इंडिया फ़ेलो सूर्यकांत ने नशामुक्ति अभियान के बारें में विस्तार से लिखा है।
The Shearing Of Sheep : A Photo Story
A photo story on the sheep shearing process by the pastorals in the Kutch region
बदलाव की क़ीमत?
बाज़ार में हो रहे बदलावों की क़ीमत आख़िर किसे सहनी पड़ती है ? इस सवाल का जवाब ढूँढता शिवांशु का ये ब्लॉग।
GARIMA – A Sustainable Development Model
The pandemic induced crisis and the questions emerging out of it, gave rise to a sustainable developmental model: GARIMA (Grameen Aatmanirbhar Rojgaari Manch) – Towards Sustainable Swaraj. Realising that livelihood is an inseparable part of healthcare, Jan Swasthya Sahyog conceptualised it to ensure proper health of local communities.
Stories Weaved In And Around The Narmada River
Ritu spent 18 months setting up a women weavers’ enterprise called Kalamaitri in Maheshwar town by the Narmade river. Some of her findings are documented here.
An Object Library – 3×3 Inch Stories
Daraab write about various objects used in pottery by Kumbhars of the Lodai village in Kutch, which they safe keep in an object library
Sheep Penning In Agriculture
Sheep penning is a very ancient and traditional practice which was also an important aspect of the agro-pastoral economy.
How To Conduct A Health Camp For Epilepsy?
What Is Epilepsy? It is a non-communicable disease present in the brain and it affects people of all ages, called as 'Mirgi' in Hindi. When a person experiences multiple seizures then that person might have epilepsy. For more information on the disease, read here....
The Life of Lamani’s Gandhi among the Baiga
This is the story of Lamani’s Gandhi. A man who gave his life to the cause of Baiga people and was much loved for his work in their life.
Kutch and its Culture: An Insight through its Villages
Through different customs and practices of two villages in Kutch, this article aims to explore the complex traditions of rural Kutch.
Sounds of Rapar
Rapar is a taluka of Bhuj District in Gujarat. It is an agrarian economy primarily but currently it is turning into a mining region.
Kaliyar Sharif: A Shrine of Healing
Since I became an India Fellow, I have frequently traveled to Roorkee, Uttarakhand for work. During my visits, I was always fascinated by the nearby places which I wanted to visit and explore. Though I was never able to do so because of the short trip durations and...