Explore the motivation behind rural leadership programs, where youth volunteers overcome challenges to lead their communities.
Stuck In The Middle Of Nowhere: My Unexpected Adventure In Banni
Go on a fascinating adventure of unexpected hitchhikes during research work on biochar in Banni grasslands with Rohan.
Intersecting Journeys: A Tale Of Two Women
What opportunities for women exist in the changing world today? Do they have as much agency to choose as they are often told?
Sweat, Sustenance And Seetaphal: A Photo Story
The story of the resilience of women who survived domestic violence and returned to their villages seeking a fresh start through seetaphal.
Gauri Pooja: Where Worship Meets Wallet
Dive deep into the religious ceremony of Gauri Pooja, and the trance and trials of people whose faith forms its groundwork.
Nuakhai: A Festive Evening
In Odisha, Maa Manikeshwari is widely worshipped. One can find the name on everything – hospital, bus, restaurant, even a general store.
Mahi Mahila Bachat Mandal: A Photostory
What happens on a daily basis in a Self Help Group? Take a peek inside Mahi Mahila Bachat Mandal and how they build their financial security.
Hope In Their Hands: Women Stitching Empowerment
A women led initiative is teaching women stitching to help them become financially independent in rural Bihar.
रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल की मनोहर कहानियाँ
मैं आजीविका ब्यूरो द्वारा शुरू किया गया शेल्टर स्क्वायर फाउंडेशन में पिछले ४ महीनो से काम कर रहा हूँ। यह सूरत से २० किलोमीटर दूर सायन में स्थित एक हॉस्टल है, रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल, जो श्रमिकों के लिए शुरू किया गया है।
From ‘Pencil’ To Socio Emotional Learning In The Classroom
How the integration of socio emotional skills like developing relationships, self awareness, empathy can create a positive classroom environment
TIKA : The First Menstruation
Roshni, a teenager from Nilawaram, loved to play with her siblings and friends. Their happy laughter filled the air until one day, Ragini, her older sister, abruptly stopped playing games with them. When Roshni questioned why, Ragini would look at her disappointed and...
Navigating TB Medication Shortage In Rural Bihar
Exploring why there is a shortage in the very essential TB drugs and no one seems to be talking about it – in the mainstream media
Balancing Act: Navigating Choices In Rural Rajasthan’s Water Crisis
Explore Rajasthan’s rural water crisis: challenges, solutions, and stories of resilience in Kalwada, Bhamboriya, and Nevta Panchayats
Detachment and Integration: Life in Pota Cabins
Akanksha write about her observations at Pota Cabin schools. How Integrating young minds in Sukma into a predetermined education system, while removing them from violence, can creates a sense of detachment
Kites Of Hope: Weaving Livelihoods In Bastis Of Ahmedabad
Exploring the lore behind kites and kite-makers of Ahmedabad and their vital role in sustaining livelihoods
Restoring Kutch’s Grasslands From ‘Mad Trees’
Restoring the grasslands of Kutch by converting the prosopis or the mad trees into Biochar using pyrolisis, reducing carbon emission
Women and Their Unpaid Labour
Women are often held back from participating in paid work because of the demanding nature of unpaid labor women do on daily basis
सिलिकोसिस समस्या: एक सफ़र खनन और स्थानांतर की तरफ
पत्थर का काम करते हुए मजदूरों में दशकों से सिलिकोसिस समस्या बढ़ती जा रही है। पढ़िए खनन से जुड़ी इस समस्या के बारें में।
नशामुक्ति अभियान: जीवन का बदलाव
जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग, छत्तीसगड में काम कर रहे इंडिया फ़ेलो सूर्यकांत ने नशामुक्ति अभियान के बारें में विस्तार से लिखा है।
The Shearing Of Sheep : A Photo Story
A photo story on the sheep shearing process by the pastorals in the Kutch region
बदलाव की क़ीमत?
बाज़ार में हो रहे बदलावों की क़ीमत आख़िर किसे सहनी पड़ती है ? इस सवाल का जवाब ढूँढता शिवांशु का ये ब्लॉग।
GARIMA – A Sustainable Development Model
The pandemic induced crisis and the questions emerging out of it, gave rise to a sustainable developmental model: GARIMA (Grameen Aatmanirbhar Rojgaari Manch) – Towards Sustainable Swaraj. Realising that livelihood is an inseparable part of healthcare, Jan Swasthya Sahyog conceptualised it to ensure proper health of local communities.