Field Stories

These stories bring out the real-life narratives, moments, and experiences, highlighting the stories and voices of the communities our fellows work with

रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल की मनोहर कहानियाँ

रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल की मनोहर कहानियाँ

मैं आजीविका ब्यूरो द्वारा शुरू किया गया शेल्टर स्क्वायर फाउंडेशन में पिछले ४ महीनो से काम कर रहा हूँ। यह सूरत से २० किलोमीटर दूर सायन में स्थित एक हॉस्टल है, रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल, जो श्रमिकों के लिए शुरू किया गया है।

Sheep Penning In Agriculture

Sheep Penning In Agriculture

Sheep penning is a very ancient and traditional practice which was also an important aspect of the agro-pastoral economy.

How To Conduct A Health Camp For Epilepsy?

How To Conduct A Health Camp For Epilepsy?

What Is Epilepsy? It is a non-communicable disease present in the brain and it affects people of all ages, called as 'Mirgi' in Hindi. When a person experiences multiple seizures then that person might have epilepsy. For more information on the disease, read here....

Sounds of Rapar

Sounds of Rapar

Rapar is a taluka of Bhuj District in Gujarat. It is an agrarian economy primarily but currently it is turning into a mining region.

Kaliyar Sharif: A Shrine of Healing

Kaliyar Sharif: A Shrine of Healing

Since I became an India Fellow, I have frequently traveled to Roorkee, Uttarakhand for work. During my visits, I was always fascinated by the nearby places which I wanted to visit and explore. Though I was never able to do so because of the short trip durations and...

Beharda:  A Hidden Tale Of Prosperity

Beharda: A Hidden Tale Of Prosperity

Often in history we have seen many of the princely states, cities and villages which were once at the peak of their prosperity turn into ruins. Today I will tell you the story of one such village which was once known for its prosperity but now only a few traces...

Vasundhara Ni Vaani – Kabir Yatra

Vasundhara Ni Vaani – Kabir Yatra

It was a bright morning. Everyone was busy with their work. At around 11 am I was standing near the main gate of Gram Swaraj Sangh to welcome our first guests-- students and volunteers from Kaushala for Kabir Yatra-- the three day travel music festival. I was very...

An Imprint Of Culture In Kutch

An Imprint Of Culture In Kutch

The costumes of people in rural areas of Kutch, Gujarat are known for their vibrant colours, intricate embroidery, and unique designs. They reflect one-of-its-kind richness in culture and traditional craftsmanship of the region. Both men and women wear locally...

Common Facility Centre And Wool

Common Facility Centre And Wool

A Common Facility Centre (CFC) is a shared physical space for a group of individuals or businesses to conduct mutually beneficial activities. These facilities aim to offer collective spaces in an efficient and cost-effective way for multiple people instead of each...

A Job Still Not Worth Its Salt

A Job Still Not Worth Its Salt

Life hasn’t changed much for small-scale salt pan workers known as Agariyas in the Little Rann of Kutch (LRK). It continues to be as harsh and predictable as the landscape. For centuries and generations, from as long as they can remember, it has been the same. These...

मासूम ख़्वाहिशें, अनोखी बंदिशें और घटते आंकड़े 

मासूम ख़्वाहिशें, अनोखी बंदिशें और घटते आंकड़े 

कम्युनिटी सेंटर पर रहना यानी आसपास स्थित समुदायों के सभी खुले-छुपे और छुपाए हुए अंगों को देख पाना है| अगर वे अंग एक नज़र में न भी दिखें तो धीरे-धीरे नजर आ ही जाते हैं|  कम्युनिटी सेंटर आखिर है क्या मैं फिलहाल लखनऊ के बरौरा नामक क्षेत्र में 'सद्भावना ट्रस्ट' के...

Going Back To The Good Old Times

Going Back To The Good Old Times

"अरे, उन दिनों में हम ज्वार, बाजरा और माल की ही खेती करते थे, और जंगल में बाकी के अनाज ऐसे ही मिल जाते थे। और उन दिनों में हमें कभी भी बीमारी नहीं होती थी, हमारे गांव में बहुत से बुजुर्ग लोग कभी अस्पताल नहीं गए क्योंकि उनको जरूरत ही नहीं पड़ती थी..." - किशन लाल, उम्र...