A grassroot organisation working with camel herders managed to revive camel pastoralism by introducing camel milk in Gujarat.
The Shearing Of Sheep : A Photo Story
A photo story on the sheep shearing process by the pastorals in the Kutch region
Sheep Penning In Agriculture
Sheep penning is a very ancient and traditional practice which was also an important aspect of the agro-pastoral economy.
Common Facility Centre And Wool
A Common Facility Centre (CFC) is a shared physical space for a group of...
The Struggles Of Sheep Shearing In Gujarat
Winter is here and it comes with warm sweaters, shawls and rajais. Sheep wool,...
The Janmashtami Of Ratnal
Ratnal is a small village, spread on both sides of a highway connecting Bhuj...
Fakirani Jats Of Kutch, Gujarat
Since I started working in the corporate IT industry, I've always been away...
An Unfamiliar Side Of Deccan And Its Wool Chain
Since the day I started working with the Centre for Pastoralism (CFP), I have...