A Library for Children Living in the Slums of Noida [A Video]

by | May 21, 2018

Would you have imagined that an urban slum in Noida has a space where children come, generally after school hours, and spend as much time as they want, just being themselves and doing whatever they feel like doing, without the fear of being judged?

What inspired a young corporate professional to leave her job, work with the underprivileged children and start a library for such children where they can learn and have fun?

Watch here:

Kamya Dargan is an India Fellow from 2011 cohort and has been running ‘My Perch’ for 4 years now.

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  1. Ronak Singh

    Loved it. Keep going. More energy to you. Smiles!

  2. Ronak Singh

    Loved it. Keep going. More energy to you. Smiles!


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