हुनर और घबराहट

हुनर और घबराहट

इस ब्लॉग में ‘हुनर’ की यात्रा का वर्णन किया गया है, जहाँ मंच पर घबराहट, आत्मविश्वास और प्रकृति की खूबसूरती के बीच संबंध को समझा जाता है।

In A Place Of “Co-“

In A Place Of “Co-“

Places shape much of who we are. ‘Place’ is more than just the physical space. Essentially, a place is the human experience of an environment

Where Is The Village Of My CBSE Textbook?

Where Is The Village Of My CBSE Textbook?

Growing up in Delhi, my understanding of Indian villages was largely shaped by the CBSE textbooks. These books painted a picture of serene landscapes, close-knit communities, and a simpler way of life.

Kachchh’s Charcoal Journey: Realities And An Alternative

Kachchh’s Charcoal Journey: Realities And An Alternative

In this blog Rohan writes about how the spread of invaise Prosopis Juliflora in a significant portion of the Kachchh region is connected with the charcoal industry in Banni. As well as the socio-economic conditions surrounding it.

I Don’t Know If I Can Teach What I Don’t Know

I Don’t Know If I Can Teach What I Don’t Know

Aditya writes about his experience of how his perception towards not knowing something changed into the exploration of limitless possibilities of a human mind and what it can potentially achieve while bouncing back from the idea of “I don’t know”

Discovering An Author

While exploring the collections in the PRAYOG library, I stumbled upon some books. This discovery led me to delve into the world of Bama

रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल की मनोहर कहानियाँ

रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल की मनोहर कहानियाँ

मैं आजीविका ब्यूरो द्वारा शुरू किया गया शेल्टर स्क्वायर फाउंडेशन में पिछले ४ महीनो से काम कर रहा हूँ। यह सूरत से २० किलोमीटर दूर सायन में स्थित एक हॉस्टल है, रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल, जो श्रमिकों के लिए शुरू किया गया है।

The Confusion Behind Confusion

The Confusion Behind Confusion

In a frenzy of options available for youth, they are often struck with the assumption that it is drastically easier to carve career trajectories, but is it?

TIKA : The First Menstruation

TIKA : The First Menstruation

Roshni, a teenager from Nilawaram, loved to play with her siblings and friends. Their happy laughter filled the air until one day, Ragini, her older sister, abruptly stopped playing games with them. When Roshni questioned why, Ragini would look at her disappointed and...