The Marathi film Paani was recently released. This is the real story behind the movie capturing the struggles, triumphs of the community.
The Power Of Listening In Grassroots Work
In our lives, sometimes, we meet people where a conversation leaves a lasting impression on us. The author recounts one such instance.
Nuakhai: A Festive Evening
In Odisha, Maa Manikeshwari is widely worshipped. One can find the name on everything – hospital, bus, restaurant, even a general store.
Questions For Self-Discovery From A Human Process Lab
Reflective questions from a 5 day basic human process lab.
Mahi Mahila Bachat Mandal: A Photostory
What happens on a daily basis in a Self Help Group? Take a peek inside Mahi Mahila Bachat Mandal and how they build their financial security.
Desi Oon – Weaving Livelihood Into A Sustainable Practice
The demand for desi oon has declined, negatively impacting the wool ecosystem and affecting the livelihoods of those dependent on it.
Hope In Their Hands: Women Stitching Empowerment
A women led initiative is teaching women stitching to help them become financially independent in rural Bihar.
Language Is A Challenge, Not A Barrier
Understanding the process and significance of qualitative data in a diverse language setting and its set of own challenges
An Interaction With Subhana: Lessons Beyond The Classroom
When you do out to meet an uneducated, tribal woman farm labourer, what do you expect to return from the conversation with?
From Bombay, With Love: To Be An India Fellow
In this blog author questions his ideas of what it takes to do the ‘social work’ and be an India Fellow.
In Kotra, The Youth Want To Leave, But Not Too Far
The community you are surrounded by, what is your point where you depart from their norm?
Are We Teaching Gender ‘Untouchability’ In Schools?
Despite being in the same class, boys and girls maintain a distance. What’s leading to this gender untouchability?
Sowing Hope
*Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, written as part of a reflection exercise during India Fellow induction training. We asked our fellows to process all that they were learning/experiencing as they were exploring various development theory and practice topics....
Reflection Worksheets For Continuous Learning
Discover the deeper meaning behind a song and explore how reflection worksheets can enhance personal growth and continuous learning. Learn how to create your own reflection tool.
Youth Masterpiece: Fostering Collaboration Through Art
Rural India Youth Leadership is a two-year experience for 25 young people who will be on a journey of leadership and learning that will enable them to form youth clubs and through the clubs, nurture 400+ grassroots youth leaders.
Strength In Unity: The Inspiring Journey Of Manyachiwadi
“Manyachiwadi—Maharashtra’s First Solar Village.” What makes a small village, just 75km from Satara, a leader in sustainable living?
The Vignette Of A Driverben
The author gives an overview of the Driverben program he is associated with. It is an urban Ahmedabad based intervention for building women’s agency
Into The Heartland Of Southeast Maharashtra
Exploring and traversing through the natural and virgin south-east hinterlands of the state of Maharashtra
Scorching Homes, Not Safe Havens
Climate change is causing havoc with summer temperatures soaring across India. What role does our house roof have to play in that?
What Is In A Name?
What happens when the state mandates its citizens to reveal their names?
A Matter Of Semantics
A trip from Delhi to Tumkur in Karnataka, got the author in an interaction with a media activist who explains what it means to accept that the community knows better
An Ode To The Unsung Heroes Of India’s Elections
This talks about the millions of people who make elections in India possible, those who often get unnoticed by us