If we truly believe in Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikaas, we cannot afford to cut out those whose saath we are taking.
Kachchh’s Winter Magic: Culture, History, And Sustainability
Rann is an annual festival, held in the white salt desert of the Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, spanning from November to February.
The “E” Word In An E-World
The year 2025 marks the tenth anniversary of the Digital India Initiative. Where are we fairing on its implementation though?
Stories From Karigar Shala
Explore stories of Karigar Shala, a unique school for artisans in Bhuj, and the value of experiential learning.
What A Free Lecture Taught Me About Education
Asking the right question to ignite curiosity is not unknown. But when in the hot seat of a teacher, why do we often resort to preaching?
The Other Members Of Hunnarshala
Cat cat everywhere, not an ounce of stress!
A Lifeline In The Mountains
Two cases, both in the remote villages of central Himalayas gives a good view of what it means to have a good first line of response.
Power And Interventions
Who holds power in a group? Explore this intriguing question with Ayushi as she navigates her fellowship, her work and a human process lab.
Rani Laxmi Bai: A Collective Journey For Women Workers
Rural women in Udaipur’s Rani Laxmi Bai Sangathan unite to overcome social barriers, and shape a stronger future as a part of a collective
Community Voices In Interventions: An Afterthought?
To ensure authentic and effective community engagement it is imperative to move beyond tokenistic gestures and superficial inclusion.
Mobility, A Barrier In Getting Out Of Homes For Women
While women in skilling and enterprises have been discussed in development, why do we overlook challenges of mobility when designing programs?
Annapraashan In Aanganwadi: Tuesday Special
In this blog Jagriti explains how Annapraashan in Aangawadis of Gujarat is being used to combat malnutrition.
The Forest Trail To Lendra Village In South Chattisgarh
A photostory of visiting a tribal school in the interiors of south Chattisgarh – a peep into the lives of people living, precariously
Kya Ab Humari Shaadi Ho Gayi Hai?
The ordeal of a village woman in trying to avail the benefits of a government scheme, which was rightfully hers.
Dais, Didis And Doppelgängers
Few days in the field Ankita finds that she is a doppleganger! Dais and didis all agree. What happens next? Read on to find out.
The Journey Of Bengalis In Bhuj
The Bengali community in Bhuj has undergone a transformation, evolving from migrants to being a dynamic part of the socio-economic fabric.
International Day For The Elimination Of The Violence Against Women
The 16 days of activism against gender based violence, Nov 25 to Dec 10, is a global campaign to end violence against women.
Finding Solace In Umaria
What will bring us solace and peace. Often we think we know. But do we?
Invisible Scars: The Mental Health Crisis Among Jodhpur’s Steelworkers
While the narrative around workplace mental health in white collared jobs is nascent, the concerns of informal workers have a long way to go.
The Outcasts In Gandhi’s District
Glimpses into the life and environment of the outcast community in Gandhi’s district, Wardha in Maharashtra
Not The Bihar I Imagined
People of Bihar know survival isn’t about doing it alone—it’s about showing up for each other, sharing what little you have, or just being there in tough times.
An Ode To Remain Idle
Why this rush? The author explores what it means to be idle in the middle of a growing economy and tight job market