In the heart of Patna, a “robot” is quietly transforming the way we connect with young girls, one WhatsApp message at a time.
What Is Development For “Them”?
Away from numbers and social media, there are aspirations of young people battling poverty for their right to education in Bihar.
Justice Is Not Always Served As It Should Be
Justice – a word that resonates with hope, fairness, and the promise of rights being upheld. Or is it? A piece on complexity of the idealism.
Chai, Darwaaze Aur Sawaal
Chai-filled conversations, a few awkward silences, and some lighthearted takeaways from a survey experience.
Raw, Real, Resilient: The Journey So Far
What does not kill you, makes you strong. The author Mrinalini talks about the unforeseen personal challenges and emergence through it.
The Battle, The Shrine, And The Ballad: Stories From Bahraich
The author delves into the narratives of Raja Suheldev and Salar Masud, and how their legacies have shaped local identity.
From Anjar To Lakhpat: Pastoralists’ Journey Of Hope
Rabaris of Anjar leave their homeland for Lakhpat. How are they managing their lives? Read about these pastoralists struggle for livelihood.
Kindness? What Does It Mean To Us?
When was the last time you experienced immense kindness? In either being the recipient or the donor? Ponder along with Sagrika
Finding Familiarity In The Alien City Of Indore
How does a place become home? Perhaps it is about the place where we finally come on our own.
Exploring Balika Panchayat In Republic Of India
Gujarat is the first state to promote Balika Panchayat (of adolescent girls) for building political awareness and civic action amongst rural girls.
Water Warriors: Leading Charge Against Drought In Marathwada
Women’s inclusion in water has to be driven. It should be mainstreamed and treated as an objective tool to attain other development goals.
Empathy In Healthcare: Healing More Than A Body
What does empathy in healthcare look like? How does the mental affect the physical? Mrinalini grapples with profound questions in this blog.
Human Rights In Crisis
The author reflects on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the human rights abuse endured by unorganised sector workers in India.
Identity In Youth Clubs In India
Understand how Identity in Youth Clubs fosters both individual and collective belonging, shaping future leaders in cohesive spaces.
Satat Sammellan: A Confluence Of Ideas, Generations, And Sustainability
The author takes readers through their experience of hosting the Satat Sammellan, a unique sustainability event in the heart of Shimla.
The Workers’ Union: Challenges Of Identity, Growth, And The Road Ahead
The journey of a workers’ union, challenges it overcame, key lessons learned, and strategies to advance workers’ rights and sustain growth.
Pictured: How Migrant Laborers Live In Surat?
Where do the migrant workers from unknown places, live, when they come to a hustling bustling city?
Kala Maitri – An Inventory Management System
The author makes open source the inventory management system in her craft resource centre.
A Journey Into Action: The Principle Of Hiding Hand
When we begin a piece of work, we never anticipate the challenges that will crop up. This gives us a creative confidence when the issues finally show up.
Laal Ishq
The thin line between love, passion and violence. And how a patriarchal society fuels irrationality, author mulls.
Cultural Insights: What Kalahandi Taught Me About Life
What does it mean to build and find community among fewer resources? Rahul discovers important life lessons in Kalahandi.
चिलपुटी की सैर: घोंटूल, सर्गी और साड़ी
चलो आज हम अपना गाँव और यहाँ मिलने वाली बहुत सी नई चीजें जैसे घोंटूल, सर्गी के बीज हमारी शाम की शाला आपको दखाएं।