Letters To Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi : Part 2

Letters To Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi : Part 2

Subject - Organization, Ideology And Work Mohan Bhai, Did you hear the term social enterprise yet?  This concept of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship has received much attention since late 70's. What is it that is so explicitly social about any...

Consistency Of Jams And Projects

Consistency Of Jams And Projects

Consistency of a jam is nothing but a measure of its fluidity. Right consistency yields the utmost satisfaction to the palate. Two raw materials are responsible for the consistency, namely pectin and sugar. Pectin is more known of the two contributors. Ask people...

Letters To Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi : Part 1

Letters To Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi : Part 1

Subject - Death Of Swaraj Dear Gandhi, Today we visited an Adivasi community in a village called Phala amidst the hills of Udaipur. The idea was to understand the lifestyle of the villagers by interacting with them. The village had 13 mohallas, the one we visited was...

Chandus Dairies

Chandus Dairies

Not a typo. I read an entire manual on how the self-help group (SHG) federation of the Khed taluka works. A bunch of women form an SHG. A bunch of SHGs form a cluster. A bunch of clusters form a federation. The federation provides financial and social services to all...