Van Gujjars are a community located in the northern part of India, along the...
Beyond Identity: The Power of Genuine Connection
Lately, I've been thinking about my true identity and how I introduce myself...
Forty Minutes Of A Monday Morning At A School In Bhuj
Waking up by 7:00 AM is my definition of waking up early. The morning follows...
Can Challenges Be Blessings In Disguise?
Introduction The past seven months have been a period of self-reflection and...
Why I Find Myself In The Kitchen, More Than I Realise
It didn't occur to me until I was excitedly narrating the story of how I ended...
Winter Is Coming, So Is Consumerism: The Connection Between Game of Thrones and Your Wallet
Game of Thrones (GoT) is a popular television series that aired on HBO from...
Exploring India On Wheels Through My Colorful Lenses
A photo captured from Pauri Garhwal while I was traveling with my colleagues...
Addressing Mental Health Challenges for Women in India
Introduction Mental health is as vital as physical health and should be...
Eagles Eye, Subtle Pry: A Research Study On Honeybees
Early in the morning, I left for field work, in Palghar, Maharashtra where I'm currently working with Under the Mango Tree (UTMT), a social enterprise. This was one of the designated tasks that demands to deal with orchard owners. I’m trying to find a relationship...
Can We Really Understand Others?
We millennials are born in the information age. I always thought that the evolution was mutual, as by the time people who were born after 1980s came in a position to exert their influence, the same happened with information via internet, smart phones and other...
Gun License, Hindu Identity: In Conversation With Locals Of Sitapur
While talking with people over snacks, there is so much that I learn about this place and its surrounding areas. The topic of gun license came up when I was interacting with parents of a girl, whom I teach in a school here at Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh (UP). It...
Where There Is A Will But Still No Way!
Have you ever noticed how women in rural-setups react if you ask how she feels? Or how often does she laugh? Does she feel a sense of contentment? On hearing such questions, at first, she smiles and then, shuns the questions. Next, she looks at us with utter surprise...
कोटड़ा की ‘वेर प्रथा’
Kotra, a tribal region in Udaipur district of Rajasthan, is where I have been living at, for the past six months of my fellowship. Often confused with Kota at my home, Kotra is the part of Rajasthan that I never knew existed (perhaps my ignorance is the reason behind...
मासूम परिंदे!
बचपन एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसे सुनते ही मेरे साथ आप में से कईयों के ज़हन में भी कई खूबसूरत लम्हें और तस्वीरें तैरने लग जाती होंगी. नाना-नानी, पापा-मम्मी सहित घर के सभी बड़े लोगों से मिलने वाला लाड़-प्यार व उपहार याद आ जाते होंगे. खेल-खिलौने, चॉकलेट एवं पसंदीदा मिठाइयों की...
A Taste Of Rural Patriarchy And Urban Feminism
The moment 'Vaishali Express' touched the borders of Bihar, an uncanny sense of masculinity emanated from all corners of the train compartment. The frequency of glares and stares increased exponentially. The background of an 18-year long experience in Uttar Pradesh...
‘Parag Kosh Ke Daane’ And Sex Education Post 377
What do you say to 12 year old girls who are extremely happy about the legal status of LGBT community because now they can marry their besties!? Well, I could only say, “That's great but don’t be too sure that you only like women; you can like both men and women, even...
The Story Of Informal Credit And Migrant Labor
Informal sector constitutes a major chunk in GDP of India. The sector is often associated with generating non taxable income and is seen as a hub of black money investment but has rarely been looked from the viewpoint of employers, employees and their struggles....
My Everyday Life In a Village Of Kanpur
Let me start with some honesty. Two months ago, when I got to know that I am supposed to work in Kanpur, that too not in the city but in rural areas, I was filled with anxiety. The organization wasn't known to me. I was envious of my co-fellows who would be working in...
Adventurous Things I Never Did Before Coming To India Fellow
When I boarded a flight from Delhi to Raipur after the mid-point training, I was super excited to reach Sukma and begin with the second half of my India Fellow journey. I took a bus from Raipur for Sukma late at night, and was accompanied by a colleague. We woke up...
Goats And Nine Yards Of Blue
Across Munger district of Bihar, women dressed in sky blue saris are disrupting the community’s perception of their ability to improve the lives of poor. With help from a Goat Resource Center (GRC), a small establishment by the roadside that serves as an office and...
A Walk Into Mukta Gyan Kutir School [A photo story]
Welcome Enthusiasts. Before we go any further and you get awestruck with innocent smiles and their uncanny stories, let’s go back 35 years in time. A group of thinkers and activists started a social institution in south Odisha, an NGO which will fight against hunger...
The Last Time When I Did Things For The First Time
Most of us these days, including me, wish for adventure and excitement in our daily routine. I did it every single day while sitting in my AC cubicle; wishing an escape from the mundane life. Today, leaving that behind, I'm working with Basic Healthcare Services...