First things first. What is a zine?Good question. Tricky answer. For a lot of...
How Do We Learn And Design For Others’ Learning
A facilitator in college in one of my earliest classes in my first year asked...
शहर में कहाँ है यह हवा पानी
गांव तहसील से करीब १० किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है. गांव में मोबाइल नेटवर्क नहीं है....
A Resurgence Of Community Libraries In India
India has had a long culture of libraries that served not only as a treasure...
साथी कार्मिक सुरेश चंद की दिनचर्या का विवरण
जीवन के रंग-बिरंगे मंच पर विभिन्न भूमिकाओं के निभानेवाले मेरे साथी कार्मिक...
Migration: A Journey Of Hope And Challenges
Migration has emerged as a transformative lifeline for ambitious individuals...
Exploring Places And More: With A Co-Fellow
Embarking on a journey to meet my co-fellow and friend, Ritu in her field area...
Rohit, A Young Boy From Bania Chapar
In the heart of Bania Chapar, a village nestled in the rolling landscapes of...
कम्यूनिटी के साथ पहली रात
मुझे कस्तूरबा गांधी बालिका विद्यालय से जुड़े लगभग 4 महीने हो गए हैं| पहले दिन जब मैं आँचल, प्रिया, स्मृति और ममता के साथ विद्यालय गई थी तब बच्चियों का उत्साह देख कर मैं भी सकारात्मक उर्जा से भर गई थी| वे बाहर से आये व्यक्तियों को बहुत स्नेह और सम्मान देते हैं| कई बार...
An Unconditional Offer
The heat of the day vanished as evening kicked in. The air became cooler. The sun hid behind dense trees that stood tall on the banks of the stream. A Bulbul sat on the electric cable that ran above, and hopped along the wire from time to time. A spider made a web...
From An Idea To Execution : Plastic Gullaks
"Of the 8.3 billion metric tons of waste that has been produced, 6.3 billion metric tons is plastic waste. Of that, only 9% has been recycled. The vast majority, 79% is accumulating in landfills or sloughing off in natural environment as litter." - Great Britain's...
A Personal Account Of The Day Ladakh Became A Union Territory
Featured Image Source - Amar Ujaala We were sitting in the middle of a session by the founder of Snow Leopard Conservancy in Leh, Tsewang Namgail, when his teammate Jigmet Dadul, gave him the news about Ladakh becoming a Union Territory. In the middle of his speech,...
Who Are The Katkari?
Raigad - The first capital of the former Maratha Empire, the land of captivating forts and free flowing streams; the home to picturesque Konkan belt where tribals stay dormant deep inside jungles, as if incongruous. Raigad in Maharashtra is surrounded by Thane and...
Inspiration To Be A Better Human Being
Until now, I have encountered most people being primarily concerned about growing professionally. From close relatives to friends and society, I have observed a common concern towards career. Only my mother and a few books had inspired me to be humane until I met...
Towards A Peaceful Revolution To Bring Dignity to Labor Migration
Featured image courtesy Pixabay My fellowship with Aajeevika Bureau started on March, 2019. It was the time when the financial year was soon to be over. Once I joined, I immersed myself into field visits and my journey as a fellow was 'on'. I was meeting migrants...
Skill Over Academic Degree
With Shram Sarathi, I have been working with migrants who have been given training on various skill-sets so that they can start their own enterprise or fetch better income using those skills. However, only a few trainees show the courage and interest to start...
Surat And Its Migrants
Surat is the textile hub of India. It is also the center for diamond cutting and polishing. Most of the businesses conducted here are a part of informal sector and are predominantly owned by Gujaratis. The workforce for the diamond industry primarily comprises of...
Where Collective Strength Lies
Who’d ever want to pay an interest of Rs. 1200 on a loan of merely Rs. 500? A woman from the jungle village of Tirpania in Kharagpur, Bihar did so willingly, at least for a while. Until the concept of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) found its way to rural women in Bihar,...
Waste Pickers’ Tragedy…
This is Harsh. He helped us in distributing leaflets of medical camp in Sapera basti. Do you know where does your waste go after it leaves your home? How many hands does it change? Most us have limited knowledge about it. Either the Nagar Nigam (Municipal Corporation)...
Life Lessons From A Year Spent In The ‘Other’ India
It has been more than 10 months since I, along with 21 others, set out on a journey to learn about and understand India at the grassroots. In all honesty, this has been one mixed bag of a year. Some expectations I harbored remained unmet while some hopes I never knew...
Maheshwar: A Veiled Jewel Of Royalty
Last 3 months in Chaitanya, my host organisation, have been the most enriching ever. With alternate months spent in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, I have gotten the taste of both the preliminary stages of SHG (self-help group) formation and the functioning of...
Taniya Parveen: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations
"You need to step out to know the world outside" - Taniya From Saradhi, Bangalwa village in Munger district of Bihar, where most girls are forced to stay at home and are valued with respect to their ability to do the household chores; a young girl Taniya Praveen is...