A photostory of visiting a tribal school in the interiors of south Chattisgarh – a peep into the lives of people living, precariously
Kya Ab Humari Shaadi Ho Gayi Hai?
The ordeal of a village woman in trying to avail the benefits of a government scheme, which was rightfully hers.
Dais, Didis And Doppelgängers
Few days in the field Ankita finds that she is a doppleganger! Dais and didis all agree. What happens next? Read on to find out.
The Journey Of Bengalis In Bhuj
The Bengali community in Bhuj has undergone a transformation, evolving from migrants to being a dynamic part of the socio-economic fabric.
International Day For The Elimination Of The Violence Against Women
The 16 days of activism against gender based violence, Nov 25 to Dec 10, is a global campaign to end violence against women.
Finding Solace In Umaria
What will bring us solace and peace. Often we think we know. But do we?
Invisible Scars: The Mental Health Crisis Among Jodhpur’s Steelworkers
While the narrative around workplace mental health in white collared jobs is nascent, the concerns of informal workers have a long way to go.
The Outcasts In Gandhi’s District
Glimpses into the life and environment of the outcast community in Gandhi’s district, Wardha in Maharashtra
Unseen Divides: The Subtle Biases That Shape Interactions
The author talks about an interaction which he assumed will be a cake walk – turns out it was’nt! Read what played out.
Learning From Manthan And Co-Operative Model
For the film to be made, 5,00,000 farmers financed the production, contributing 2 rupees each, making it the first ever crowdfunded Indian film
Double Standards Of Ageing
The blog navigates the silence around menopause, how women from different class experience it and how it has shaped the author’s perspective on womanhood
Addressing Sexual Harassment At Workplace In The Unorganised Sector
The crisis of sexual harassment of women in workplace in the unorganised sector remains hidden and a grave challenge.
Many Realities Of A Single Life
Have you lived a hard life? What constitutes a hard life? If it objective? Would you say the protagonist in this blog had a hard life?
Distorted Lens Of Caste In India
A powerful expose reveals the harsh reality of a Dalit woman cleaning human waste, challenging misconceptions about caste discrimination.
Redefining Development
In fast paced urban city development is often equated to material gain but what does it mean for rural India?
Dangers Of A Single Story
When we step into new spaces with open minds, we allow these fuller, more vibrant stories to emerge. This isn’t just about seeing women differently; it’s about approaching every community with humility, ready to discover the depth that a single story could never fully capture.
Homes Of Katara: A Photo Story
A photo story exploring the housing and social dynamics of Katara village, a peri urban settlement near Udaipur city in Rajasthan.
Changing Face Of Rural India
The author’s visit to a village in Rajasthan shattered their preconceived notions and she finds the changing faces of rural India.
An Interaction With Subhana: Lessons Beyond The Classroom
When you do out to meet an uneducated, tribal woman farm labourer, what do you expect to return from the conversation with?
From Bombay, With Love: To Be An India Fellow
In this blog author questions his ideas of what it takes to do the ‘social work’ and be an India Fellow.
In Kotra, The Youth Want To Leave, But Not Too Far
The community you are surrounded by, what is your point where you depart from their norm?
Are We Teaching Gender ‘Untouchability’ In Schools?
Despite being in the same class, boys and girls maintain a distance. What’s leading to this gender untouchability?