Warping Time

by | Sep 22, 2014

Warping time is equally an old concept as much as it is new. Modern times’ way of warping time is quite limited in its scope, and does not really enter into our lives as much as the old concept used to and can. Their purposes are widely different.

The new way of warping time is essentially concerned with slowing down time through technology for noticing the intricacies of events that happen quite fast. That has helped us to understand things a naked eye cannot sense and as a result cannot help the mind perceive.

The old way of warping time does not directly slow down time. It works indirectly to slow down time to help us notice the intricacies of our own experiences. Some people call it spiritual enlightenment. And some call it a way to experience wholesomely. I like to call it the latter because the connotation of the former will differ for everyone, and the latter way to define it is simpler. To warp time this way, first we slow down ourselves.

Slowing down ourselves means to stay with what we have experienced for a long time or to basically give ourselves a broad margin to think about it. Once we do that, it feels as if time has slowed down. In the old times we had a lot of time to warp time this way. But the fast paced life of the modern, or so called developed world, has caught up with us now and now the mantra is, “the more experiences, the better.” instead of “the more time with the experiences, the better” as was in the times before.

People no longer have time to warp time this way. But I couldn’t ever digest all of this, that we must just never stop to think or reflect. And hence, I took to warping time this way all the time, a long time back. I was always told that I was missing out on a lot. Yes. I was. I knew that. But just the fact that we are told that we are missing out on things does not mean they are worth pursuing in the first place. Identifying sound from noise is the first step that we can take towards slowing ourselves down, and essentially time as a result and broaden our understanding of the little amount of experiences that we allow ourselves to have. I identified for myself what felt worth pursuing. Many people helped. Alive and dead, alike.

Some years and frustrations later, I have ended up at India Fellow.

Here, I have met people who let me find the best in myself because they understand the concept, even if unknowingly, of warping time, and who can always help me by pushing me to achieve what I dearly desire and not necessarily what the world may desire of me. One feels truly empowered and can muster up the courage for things unimaginable by being with such people. Happiness is a constant state then and its definition is not like the single-story the world professes.

There are good people around. To find them, one just needs to warp, if not all, but some time, sometimes.



यह कविता समाज के विभिन्न दृष्टिकोणों को आँखों के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत करती है।...

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  1. Arthi Gomathinayagam

    You always give the right words and beautiful thoughts.

  2. Arthi Gomathinayagam

    You always give the right words and beautiful thoughts.

  3. gayatrijoag

    Trust you to combine psychology, philosophy, physics and your personality so effectively!

  4. gayatrijoag

    Trust you to combine psychology, philosophy, physics and your personality so effectively!

  5. vinayramki

    Resonated with me so much! Loved it yaar especially missing out on things part. Even having said that I feel I don’t want to miss out on things. Cool blend of both times is needed yeah 🙂

    • nishantpaul1100

      After a certain time, I think we realize the things we don’t want to miss out from the things we missed out earlier. I believe that I must find it myself. Then it is really a cool blend. 🙂

  6. vinayramki

    Resonated with me so much! Loved it yaar especially missing out on things part. Even having said that I feel I don’t want to miss out on things. Cool blend of both times is needed yeah 🙂

    • nishantpaul1100

      After a certain time, I think we realize the things we don’t want to miss out from the things we missed out earlier. I believe that I must find it myself. Then it is really a cool blend. 🙂

  7. anupama

    Like i said … you should write more. But i have some critical comment on this one. Talking of warping time to figure out and then be with people you resonate with and like … i am glad you have found a forum like that. But then isnt excluding people you do not resonate with unfair? And what is good and bad anyways? Excluding cause someone is different comes with a statutory warning … urge to build a comfort zone. And i am not sure if that is a good idea …

    • nishantpaul1100

      I do not talk about excluding people at all here, I just talk about trying to experience wholesomely which in turn helps me find better opportunities. However I agree that I end up excluding people this way but that is not the primary aim, it might result that way, and it might also not. I could realize something good, having experienced something wholesomely, and then as a result, also stay with the same people. We have to add value as people I believe. Some people, who after a certain time I might be excluding, will not be allowing me to add any value, therefore, I would be excluding them and not for any egotistical reason. I am not too strong to take in everybody as you might. 🙂

  8. anupama

    Like i said … you should write more. But i have some critical comment on this one. Talking of warping time to figure out and then be with people you resonate with and like … i am glad you have found a forum like that. But then isnt excluding people you do not resonate with unfair? And what is good and bad anyways? Excluding cause someone is different comes with a statutory warning … urge to build a comfort zone. And i am not sure if that is a good idea …

    • nishantpaul1100

      I do not talk about excluding people at all here, I just talk about trying to experience wholesomely which in turn helps me find better opportunities. However I agree that I end up excluding people this way but that is not the primary aim, it might result that way, and it might also not. I could realize something good, having experienced something wholesomely, and then as a result, also stay with the same people. We have to add value as people I believe. Some people, who after a certain time I might be excluding, will not be allowing me to add any value, therefore, I would be excluding them and not for any egotistical reason. I am not too strong to take in everybody as you might. 🙂


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