Growing up between different cultures Drishti shares her struggles with learning English and how it instilled a fear for languages
Art By Women, Imitates Women’s Life
During my first month at Sakhi Sangini, I had diverse community experiences. My favourite was a film screening for our SHG women
Women and Their Unpaid Labour
Women are often held back from participating in paid work because of the demanding nature of unpaid labor women do on daily basis
Empowering Adolescent Girls In Kutch and Kalahandi
This blog is jointly written by Udhisha working with SETU Abhiyan and Adithya...
कार्यक्षेत्र में महिलाओं की संख्या को कैसे बढ़ाया जाये
भारत की कुल आबादी में से आधी आबादी महिलाओं की है, हमारे देश में नारी को भगवान...
मासूम ख़्वाहिशें, अनोखी बंदिशें और घटते आंकड़े
कम्युनिटी सेंटर पर रहना यानी आसपास स्थित समुदायों के सभी खुले-छुपे और छुपाए...
Suman Meravi: Mudghusri’s Self Made Woman
Here is the story of Suman Meravi, a young woman from a Mudghusri village of...
भुज की महिलाएं और कमला बेन की कहानी
भुज भारत के उत्तर-पश्चिम भाग में रहस्य की भूमि कच्छ जिले में स्थित हैं।...
Pulling The Maheshwari Threads Together
As I walk through the narrow lanes of Maheshwar, a symphony of sounds fills...