Policies failing to align with reality or not effectively translating on the ground, make it impossible for the most needy to access their rights.
In Kotra, The Youth Want To Leave, But Not Too Far
The community you are surrounded by, what is your point where you depart from their norm?
Towards A Peaceful Revolution To Bring Dignity to Labor Migration
Featured image courtesy Pixabay My fellowship with Aajeevika Bureau started on...
अवसर + प्रशिक्षण = तरक्की
अभी कुछ समय पहले ही मैंने एक पुस्तक पढ़ना प्रारंभ किया है, उस पुस्तक के पहले...
Goats And Nine Yards Of Blue
Across Munger district of Bihar, women dressed in sky blue saris are...
Learning Without Reading: A Day With Enterprising Rural Women
"Anokhi" - A unique initiative by Shram Sarathi, in collaboration with STEP...
A Postcard Of Hope For Better Future
As I sat down to have a cup of tea this morning, I heard my home calling me....
When Gender and Disability Discriminate Together
“What do you see yourself doing in 10 years from now?” This is one of the...
What Renu Managed To Do With Training And Courage
Renu Devi was 7 months pregnant and expecting her second child. It was around...