When I think of poverty and development, I think of them to be relative rather...
Pre-Primary And Primary Education – The Crisis And The Solutions
With this post, I'm trying to explore the education system in India, the way...
मैं और भालू
प्रिय मित्र काशीपुर से में भोपाल के लिए रवाना हो गया हूं। वही पुराना घर! अब तो...
An Atta-boy
They do not have advantage of a complicated system of metaphysics which could...
काशीपुर से ख़त
प्रिय मित्र, कभी रोमांटिसिज्म के बारे में सुना है? कहीं उन्नीस्वीं सदी में इस...
When Urdu Felt Like Home
One of my biggest challenges until now, in the last 6 months of fellowship,...
Can We Really Understand Others?
We millennials are born in the information age. I always thought that the...
A Walk Into Mukta Gyan Kutir School [A photo story]
Welcome Enthusiasts. Before we go any further and you get awestruck with...
About A Windy Night in Jiri
When time was closing in for Durov, after a long arduous journey, on the...